swiss news: unfairly hard quests and events.

Day 5,228, 14:32 Published in Switzerland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

Almost one month ago, we have the official valentines day event for 2022, and everyone was happy.

but what unfolded after the initial enthusiasm, wasnt joy, but an immense disappointment.

why? because they made the medal/quest requirements for the event IMPOSSIBLE.

certainly, one has to sell things in order to keep a gaming company alive, thats all fair and reasonable,
but in previous years events (and in previous years valentines days events), the games were better, more refined and easier to win the ''easy'' medals with just a few battles.

to put a more concrete example, in valentines day event of 2021, you only needed to send 100 gifts in order to earn the first medal tier for an easy tier of the medal.
it was easy, you could earn many gifts per battle/per energy spent, and things went smoothly.

this year, tho?
not only did the earning of gifts per battle/per energy spent got harder, you earned LESS gifts, and they raised the requirements for the ''easy'' tier of the valentines medal up to 200+ gifts given to others...

and to make things worse, last year the candy boxes that you earned remained in your inventory for the duration of the event 7+ days, while in THIS years event, the candy boxes only stayed in your inventory for a measly 2 hours.

so, if you werent logged in during the time someone gifted you a box of candy, you would instantly lose them, and only a bunch of gold+items would remain in your inventory, along with the notification that you've got a new gift from one of your friends...

with the much needed, energy restoring candy boxes gone for good, and making the earning of (fewer) gifts, fewer items and with less energy, while the requirement of said gifts, got even harder and with double the number of required gifts to be given to your fellow players.

is that fair?
is that a balanced game mechanic?
is this a way you want to create an exciting and fun game?


this reminds me of erepublik's anniversary event that happened earlier this november, and how the 14th anniversary event of 2021 was HARDER than the previous one, the 13th anniversary event of 2020...

you see, in the 14th anniversary event of 2021, you had to not just travel huge distances and to spend energy for the requirements of each milestone to unlock, oh no, you also had to earn and spend ''Amazing Coins'', one useless and aggravating token that was invented in order to make the unlocking of milestones for the event harder.

and it wasnt just that.
the sold packs for the event didnt offer any larger amount of ''Amazing Coins'' to buy in bulk/in a convenient combination, but only a handful, thus making the implementation of those said coins not only harder or more useless than expected, but also not a very profitable one for the gaming group too...

so, they fail at the first, primary goal of their action : which is to make more money while making the quests more difficult to complete.

because if you dont sell packs with many ''amazing coins'' (for the 14th anniversary event of 2021) or if you dont sell packs with many ''cupids keys'' and with long-lasting candy boxes, then HOW are you going to generate more profit?

it needs clever thinking and good use of ones strategy, even if it does damage in the game, such as the increasing difficulty of quests/events that they do, or the increased requirements for a victory in said events.

as mr AG.trimafadzi has wisely stated in one of his posts :
''In the past, missions used to be progressively harder, everyone can enjoy them regardless of their level of participation. THIS event has a high barrier of entry. 40k pp only gives you 55 keys. To reach the first decoration (200 gifts), you'd need to reach 65k pp more or less.''

and i do agree with him : this game makes its seasonal events harder and harder to win, so even winning the first medal rank of the valentines even can be nearly impossible to win as a free player...

and unless you are a powerful tank player with tons of damage in epic battles, or with an endless supply of energy bars in your stock, you wont be able to complete anything, not even the first tier medal of this years valentines quest...

and thats very sad indeed.

last years event, had a more fair/easier way to earn the first tier medal : you defeated enemies, and you would easily earn 100 gifts to give to your friends.

give 100 gifts? no problem, here's your medal!

and earning those 100 gifts was easy, as you could earn extra candy and gifts per battle, and each candy would last for the entirety of the event, and it would be easy to earn, so it would go like this : fight, earn candy, keep attacking, earn more candy and earn more gifts, and the first stage of the medal would be easy as a piece of cake. (forgive my pun)
but now? its nearly impossible.

and we're talking about the FIRST rank/tier of this medal, which was supposed to be the easier one of the 3 tiers of this medal, right?
imagine how unfairly hard it is.

its one thing to give people a challenge in high-tier medals/harder missions in the more refined stages of an event, while allowing them to still earn the first rank of the medals in an easy way, giving us something for everyone, that would have been fair...

but this time, they got greedy and they made the quest/event even harder, so that only if you will pay them you will have some chance of winning this thing.

and even if you pay them, you still cant win that event, as it would only give you 5 cupids keys for an event that requires at LEAST 200+ cupids keys and gifts in order to even dare to try to earn the first tier of the valentines day event medal...

(hence how their strategy doesnt even work for a viable profit in the whole situation).

if they sold large packs with 100-200 cupids keys per pack for some dollars, then yes, that would generate alot more profits for them, and many more people would buy those packs in order to earn ''easily'' the first tiers of the medals/missions of that said event.

so, they dont need to just make things harder in order to earn a profit, but to make things better too, and more organized, to make smart selling moves when it comes to packs for quests and giving the people a ''fair amount of items for their money'', so to speak.

anyway, what do you think?
will they make the next valentines day event of 2023 even harder?
will they make the 15th anniversary event of erepublik on 2023 even harder and with more obscure/useless tokens added in order to unlock things in it?

my answer is a ''yes'', sadly.
and they will not even ulitilize such an idea cleverly for good profit, which makes this choice not only greedy, but also badly planned/badly materialized.

the events need to become easier, and more nicely refined.
otherwise, why even bother playing them in the first place, right?

feel free to discuss your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below, thank you.


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until then,

-chris j. swiss player.