swiss news: some suggestions for erepublik.

Day 5,232, 17:30 Published in Switzerland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

As stated recently in my previous article,

its painfully obvious that this game needs some changes in it, to make its quests and events easier to win, and to add many NEW things in this game, in order to make it fresh and exciting again, giving joy to the old veterans of this game, but to also invite new players in the game too.

to put it simply, the game could easily benefit by a few ''simple'' ideas, some less simple ones and by some more intricate, and yet rewarding new ideas.
this game needs NEW things and more stuff in it, such as :

1. add more countries.
there are many small, tiny, and large countries that should be added into the game.
for example, add small countries such as: san marino, andorra, monaco, the papal state, the small countries located in oceania, the maldives, panama, the nauru, the honduras...
another good idea would be to add the micronation of ''sealand'' into the game, which could be a fun twist in the game's general situation.
you could also add mongolia (a huge country!), kazakhstan, uzbekistan, azerbaijan, some small asian countries, and even more african nations!

there are still many cool countries to add in erepublik, some small, others big, but all of them awesome!

here, the concept is simple, but crucial for the game.
you could add more personal/group missions.
ADD MORE QUESTS. they shouldnt be time-limited, and they should provide easy tasks that the player would do every now and then, for small rewards.
ofcourse, apart from small/easy quests with small rewards, there should be moderate quests with a bigger reward, and hard quests with big rewards as well...
in short: the game needs more personal+group quests.
it will spice things up, and it will further improve the game, thus making it more active and fresh.

3. add space missions. (a space race module)
add an option for each country, to fund its own ''space exploration'' program, and to compete VS other countries on who will get to be the first country to reach space/the moon, and furthermore, to see who gets more time in the space/to the moon.

(also each region/area claimed by a country in the moon/mars will earn a special bonus for this country, so it will be a desirable war/resources mechanism)

also, an other option could be:
to create colonies in space, for example, if country A reaches moon before country B, then country A, will have the right to claim some of moon's lands for itself, and therefore, more country/territory wars can errupt in the new space colonies...

(same thing applies for the resources wars, and the space colonies can be in many different planets, not just moon. for example, if a country decides to explore/to visit pluto/saturn, this mission will be alot more expensive than a simple trip/mission to the moon.)

think about it, this will feel like the old days back when USA and the soviet union tried to conquer space, and they fought on about who would get to the moon first. its a worthy idea!

in more detail, this new mode could work:
-they could also add a ''space race'' feature in the game, where e-countries get funds+materials (and energy too), in order to craft their own space station/spaceship, and to launch it into the moon, in order to get some region bonuses from its regions, which would incite an ''arms race'' between our e-countries, which could easily revive this game with a new element of action and conflict.

furthermore, apart from conquering regions from the e-moon, we could have missions on mars, neptune, pluto, etc etc
the list could go on and on.

4. add the ''mayor'' role in towns and add local elections for the mayors+extra roles for their administration+funds.

while that one might be tough to code properly, its a necessary step in order to fullfil an old promise, and to finally make the towns module a useful and active one in the game.

a mayor and his officials would be voted and elected into office, and they would not just be politically involved with the issues of their e-town, but also with the economic management of their town via the taxes/relocation and donations that each region would get (divided equally per the core regions of one e-nation, and being used for the proper management/updraging of the town and of its systems, ofc, with some small regional bonuses for its residents/visitors.)

5. make seasonal events/medals easier to win again.

as stated in my previous articles, they should return the seasonal quests to their original levels of difficulty, as it was 2-3 years ago : they were easier to win on their first medal tiers, and one could get something out of an event, regardless their power, levels, or their status (and regardless if they were a free player or not)

you must make the seasonal events/quests more fair again and the requirements to win should become alot easier/more fair for everyone.

6. add more new quests/missions/medals,
self explanatory.

7. bring some older events back in the game, with new missions/quests/medals for them, or even using the same medals for them, with only a few small edits in them for flair/refreshment.

old events such as the ''epic warfare tournament'' event, the ''vampire wars'', the ''football wars'', the ''pacific clash'' event, the ''how to build an empire'' event, the ''soldiers of fortune'' and more!

in summary, they should add/fix :
personally, i think that this game should simply add :

-many new e-nations, both big and small, (andorra, monaco, san marino, the papal state, mongolia, various african and asian nations, kazakhstan, etc etc)

-more new events, quests, missions and medals. just add more, and the game will spark off again!

-the mayor concept in towns, regional events and missions, etc etc, anything to make the concept of towns and home regions MORE interesting than it is now...

-the space race : i have been suggesting this thing to the games admins/mods for many years now, and i think it would be a huge success if they would add that too, tbh.

-the space race would be a game concept where multiple e-countries would try to build their own rockets+spaceships, and after building them, they would launch into space, and they would conquer regions from the moon, mars, etc etc for various regional bonuses in food/house/weapons raw materials, or for new materials altogether, which would help each nation to earn more gold, CC's or power in the long run...

and as such, all the e-nations would rival VS eachother for a slice of those good space regions in the moon, mars, and in other planets, and so on and so forth.

it would combine the various economic, military and political parts of the game really well, into a new, yet recognizable pattern.

this is what i think!

with a few new changes like that, and with clever planning, erepublik would become the #1 browser game again, but they are not doing it.
and its sad, because this is a good game, with lots of potential.

(note that i've been suggesting all those ideas to the admins/devs in some messages, in forum threads and in random posts that i would post in people's relevant articles, i've been suggesting all those ideas to them since 2016, so you can guess why im a bit disappointed by the whole situation.

but one could hope, that if they listen, and IF they would make those suggestions/ideas into a reality, that this game would be given a new lease of life, and it would not only excite its old, veteran players, but it would also spark interest to new people as well, which would result in a win-win situation for the admins and for their (good) game.)

feel free to discuss your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below, thank you.


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the official e-swiss discord channel link :

our 2 e-swiss chat groups in telegram are :
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SO, lets get active in the chats and lets keep the e-swiss boat floating, folks!

plz let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, and please comment/vote/endorse+subscribe to my newspaper.

as for subscriptions: plz subscribe to my newspaper+ tell it to other people too...
(i sub for subs, so lets help eachother to reach the 1000+ subs achievement!)
until then,

-chris j. swiss player.