Rp | Another elections are coming...

Day 1,636, 05:25 Published in Sweden Serbia by Electro-boy

Well people, time has come to publish new article. Party is growing well, and all I can say about team that was behind me while i was Party President are only good things. They worked hard to make things happen.

As I remember, party had 16 or 17 members when we started. Now it has 22 members, it's on sixth position in Sweden and it's much much closer to being in top5 which will provide us chance to be one of congress parties.
Party Chairman Davour have done most of work and i thank him because of sacrifice that he gave so all this could go up. I think that he spent all is available free time working on this. There are also other members of Board, PR manager Galindur, and one member that's not native Swedish, blanchardd. I'm not native Swedish either. I would wrote this on Swedish if i am.
Party is open for all people. Everyone who proves that is worthy will get chance to be in Board. There will be Board meeting after elections.

I will be official candidate on upcoming Party President elections. My main goal will be to get party in top5. To achieve that, I have planned major recruitment project. I'm sure there are people that want same things we do. We will be open for coallitions with other parties, but we will not accept deals which are violation our party intergity and are coliding with party statute and programme.

If you think Sweden needs changes, join us!

Yours sincerely,