Pismo adminima..predlog poboljsanja stanja u food sektoru

Day 1,775, 04:30 Published in Serbia Serbia by derg38
Dakle poslao sam ticket sledece sadrzine adminima,sta vi mislite narode?

Molio bih VOTE i SHOUT da sto vise ljudi vidi,Sub ne treba.


I dont know is this right way but...

It cross my mind during these days with mission who needs build rockets.

As you are aware,food raw and food especially low quality is almost useless it is too cheap.

I think great way to make it little bit better is to add as a cost of building rockets to have amounts of food in storage.
If you need q1 weapon 100 pieces to build rocket ,why same thing wouldnt be with food?

Only difference will be great that smaller quality food you need more than smaller to hel most of population with selling of their q1,q2,q3 food.

It will be a small help but help.

Food is cheap why for example for building a rocket would not be implemented to player must have in storage

q1 food - 700 units
q2 food - 600 units
q3 food - 500 units

etc. or something simillar.

But in any case that needs more lower quality food than high quality to avoid to make richer already rich players and help majority to a little bit lower their amounts of low quality food.

Hope for your feeback about idea."

Ukratko na srpskom,

Predlozio sam da se za gradnju rakete doda kao trosak i kolicina hrane ,kao sto je potrebno oruzje svih kvaliteta da tako i treba i hrana razlicitih kvaliteta ali sa razlikom da hrane nizeg kvaliteta treba vise ,nego hrane viseg kvaliteta.
To bi pomoglo ogromnoj masi igraca da se resi bar nesto povoljnije ogromnih kolicina hrane nizeg kvaliteta i sprecilo da ona ostane previse jeftina a oni koji imaju pekare viseg kvaliteta da se dodatno obogate.

Ako ko od poznatijih novinara smatra da je ideja dobra bio bih im zahvalan da u svojim cflancima pozovu narod da procita ovaj kratki tekst.

derg38 - poluaktivni veteran i srpski borac 🙂