My Presidential Platform - Mark Morcom

Day 802, 10:24 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

I have been thinking about this for a long time. I never actually planned to run more than one term. It was my desire to take on one term and do a really good job. With the RW in Gauteng and the subsequent invasion by Indonesia my goals for the term were changed and priorities were reshuffled. My presidency is incomplete and there still is a lot of work that needs to be done with regard to administrative structures etc. I would also like to follow through on finding a solution to the current annexed regions of eSouth Africa. So, from this moment on I am now in the presidential race. and I will be running under the Independent Alternative.

What was achieved this term?
In the history of eSouth Africa this is by far the most successful terms on the military front. We managed to source the help that we needed and turn the tide on Indonesia. It is precisely because eSouth Africa decided to stand up against tyranny that we were able to play a vital role in delivering the final blow on an Empire that had plagued weaker nations all of my eLife. Indonesia is now “just a country” and I am proud that we made a stand!
We have achieved all of our national goals! My opposition in the elections claimed that my goals were unrealistic. We have not only achieved them but we have totally exceeded them.
We have a system of governance that is involved. I have called on congress to get involved in the war room through the election of a congressional committee that will inform congress what is happening in terms of war.
We have identified and located weaknesses in terms of war funding that are being addresses as we speak. We want to be prepared for any future conflicts that may occur and this takes money. Our tax policy is brilliant but the government needs to supplement income loss caused by low taxes. A higher GDP and population ads to the solution. We are watching, calculating and striving to keep the citizens pockets full yet at the same time have enough money available in the treasury to ensure that we can grow as a country.

What you can expect from me next term
You can expect progress! Look at how eSouth Africa has progressed in the last month. I will not take credit for it all as the whole country had a hand in what has happened. I will however say that I did what a president is supposed to do and lead people in the right direction.
You can expect activity! Yes, the new governmental structure has had its problems, yet people are involved. Most ministries are running at optimal standards. This game is all about involvement and I get that. I hope to have a push on implementing/improving systems that allow people to step up.
You can expect the unexpected! I will not make any promises, but I will fight for our lands. I will do my up most to make sure that we live in a country that is complete.

My minimum goals for this month are:
Population: 12% increase
GDP: 10% increase
Regions: To gain control of the Western Cape.

So, do you like the way I do business, and do you like the path that the country is on. Then I ask you to vote for a free eSouth Africa, for freedom from oppression. Vote Mark Morcom and let’s finish what we started


Mark Morcom