Japanese Imperial Army Situation Report August 28

Day 647, 20:57 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army
Japanese Imperial Army Reports

This is the official newspaper of the Japanese Imperial Army. The Ministry of Defense will post regular budget and expenditure information as well as military promotions so that the citizens of Japan can follow the progress of their military. During times of war, JIA orders may be issued here as well. All JIA soldiers are required to subscribe and read and citizens are highly encouraged to subscribe as well.

Military spending

Much of the defense budget for the month of August still remains, and the Ministry of Defense has expanded the weapons distribution program to include new JIA soldiers. The budget statement is available for the public in the national forums here:



The Ministry of Defense is pleased to announce that the following JIA soldiers have attained the respective ranks listed below:


Huang Chung

There may be others who achieved promotion as well, but it has not been reported through the chain-of-command. We congratulate you, too! Keep up the hard work and training!

JIA training squad

The JIA has great cadre of high-ranking JIA soldiers, but the basic training program is designed to provide weapons to lower-ranking soldiers to introduce them into the organization and hopefully improve new citizen retention as well. Advancement into the regular units of the JIA (Expeditionaries and Guard) will place priority on JIA basic training members. eJapan will benefit greatly from having loyal, "home-grown" colonels and generals who have spent their military careers working together, and this is a good start!
Obviously, the goals of the JIA basic training program are long-term, and as such, a long-term commitment is asked of its members. Obviously real life events can prevent citizens from playing the game and/or some simply quit. I encourage prospective applicants to realize that it takes many months of high activity to produce a colonel, general, or field marshal. In order to vet candidates and ensure that eJapan gets the most for its tax money, there are some conditions that must be met in order to join:
If you have worked and trained everyday since your "birthday," you should have approximately 4.52 strength and a hard worker medal on your 30th day. Candidates with the highest rank/damage points will receive
priority admission to the Japanese Imperial Army training squad.
-Citizens who are 30 days old, possess a hard worker medal, and have at least 4.5 strength are eligible to join the JIA. Older citizens who do not possess a hard-worker medal are also eligible, but will not receive priority admission to the training squad. Minimum requirements for citizens 60 days or older are: sergeant rank and 5.5 strength (these relatively stringent requirements are intended to prioritize relatively active citizens who may have missed a few days or weekends).
-Additional consideration will be given to those who volunteer their labor at the state-run Nippon Weapons factories or at the overseas mining operations.
Prospective applicants are requested to send a message to the Japanese Imperial Army organization with the subject: "JIA Application"

Supply-side military funding

The Ministry of Defense has opened and operated the Nippon Weapons company for more than two weeks now, and it has successfully produced many low-cost weapons for the JIA as well as provided jobs for many new citizens.

Also, if you are a new citizen who wishes to work in a land industry, but are tired of wading through rice paddies, please contact the JIA organization with a message entitled "Land Work Needed." Our first (privately-operated) overseas mining operation managed by MUGEN Corporation now operates in wonderful Western Siberia, Indonesia. Volunteer workers may receive lower-than-market wages, but participants will be given priority status for admission to the JIA Training Program (i.e.--free weapons in the future after you have slaved away in the Siberian iron mines for a while!).

Business owners who wish to take advantage of this program should make their voices heard in congress. Participating businesses are expected to provide low-cost iron to Japanese weapons manufacturers.

Ministry of Defense is also pleased to announce that on August 26th, eRep Day 645 the JIA played a role in preventing the hostile takeover of our newly independent South Korean friends by rushing the new South Korean Hall of Congress in Pusan. JIA soldiers hit Haeundae Beach and the Theocratics headed for the hills. This commemorative T-shirt has been distributed to all soldiers who participated in the attack:

T-shirt caption: go back 3 spaces

Minister of Defense