Interview with ex-president of eAustria- Alfred Ball

Day 891, 12:02 Published in USA Israel by Mike Cromwell

Welcome in a next edition of my newspaper. Yours and my guest is the ex-Minister of Defence and ex-President of Austria- Alfred Ball.

K0munista: So we start from beggining, for first introduce yourself, who You are, what you are doing, how old you are, etc.
Alfred Ball: Well my name is Alfred Ball I am from New Jersey, USA. In Austria I am leading the newly formed mobile corp, and taking up politics again. I am 18 in real life.

K0munista: Are you studing?
Alfred Ball: In real life? Yes I am studying Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement. But will soon be taking a year off to go to live in Croatia

K0munista: Were you born, in Croatia and do you have croatian citizenship in real life?
Alfred Ball: No I was born in USA. My family came from Split in Dalmatia.

K0munista: In real life you are calm or rather opposite?
Alfred Ball: Haha, I am pretty irractic, I am very active. Not really a calm person.

K0munista: Well, for how long are you playing eRepublik, how did you foundout about it?
Alfred Ball: I have been playing for about a year, on June 4th it will be a year, and a friend of mine who I played some strategy games with showed me it. He doesn't play much anymore.

K0munista: You are American but you are living and working in eAustria, why?
Alfred Ball: Well, I started off in eGermany, then when they were about to join PEACE GC who I didn't like I left fought against Hungary, Russia, and Colombia when USA was down to just Florida.
Then soon afterwards I didn't really like eUSA I left looked for a small community, I found Austria met some great friends of mine that were eCroatian Such as GoranJ and Franko Seman.

K0munista: You are going to put Austria in proEDEN side, can You reveal us how You manage to do that and are they willing to do that?
Alfred Ball: Well, since the collapse of PEACE GC, Austria has wanted to remain completely and 100% neutral against both super alliances while trying to do what they can for countries who have been devastated by both of these alliances, such as France against EDEN, and helping Sol against Indonesia, however there a resurgence to join Phoenix now because of Croatia attack on Austria. They are a little unwilling, but they are looking to join alliances I think being Pro-EDEN is possible if EDEN is will to make amends and help Austria along the way.

K0munista: Before your cadency as a president of eAustria you were MoD - was it hard and what exactly you were doing?
Alfred Ball: It was difficult at first because we had absolutely no military, I had to restructure and organize completely which meant signing new people up and assigning ways to oganize all these people.

K0munista: How much of players are really from Austria?
Alfred Ball: Not many native Austrian however there have been a small micro baby boom consisting of only RL Austrians so this may change very soon.

K0munista: And after being MoD You've became President, was it hard in this kind of country?
Alfred Ball: It was difficult being the president of a small country where it is very divided on many things, such as alliances, what to do with the economy. There was lots of in-fighting among other parties such as the Far-Right party and the Communist party, i was elected by the Far Right party.

K0munista: There is much of rumour abot fall of EDEN, what do you think, will it happen?
Alfred Ball: Well, I am not a skilled military tactician, there is much much fighting going on and there are many MPP's activated against EDEN, I hope we can keep up the push on Hungary, and maybe even take Hello Kitty. EDEN needs to be strong these next days or they will face a lot of military setbacks.

K0munista: Are you going to run again for president in eAustria?
Alfred Ball: Well, I don't know I am not liked by many eAustrians at this time I will have to say no, possibly in the future it could very well happen.

K0munista: What are eUSA stances with eCroatia? Should they go better?
Alfred Ball: They are good now I think keeping Croatian and USA MPP's open are proof of that and I hope they are renewed every month.

K0munista: All right, now for little relax tell us what makes you angry in eRepublik, what would you like to change?
Alfred Ball: Well, many things admins bad calls, obvious botting when it comes to battles. I hate multies as well they really piss me off how huge players are obviously using them and still don't get banned. And when they do the admins overturn it because people threaten to quit the game.

K0munista: Your 'eRepublik dream'?
Alfred Ball: Haham having Astra Kat G emarry me. We are deeply in love she just doesn't know it yet.

K0munista: What do you want to tell to croatian people?
Alfred Ball: I want to give a shout out to ZDRUG, and my secretary Ancica1804 and want to wish them all luck with there offensive against Hungary, I am amazed they have got this far and hope they can remain on the offensive and keep the intiative.

K0munista: Do you want to tell something from yourself?
Alfred Ball: Haha, well I don't know what there is to say about myself really, I am pretty easy going I change my mind constantly especially on eRepublik, I like to do things immiadtely to keep my interest and fun in the game. Many people need to relax and realize that at the end of the day this is still afterall a game and its here to have fun. For everyone.

K0munista: I'm wishing you luck in your game in future. Thanks for interview.
Alfred Ball: No problem you too. I will ad you to friend in game.

I'd like to thank the citizen for the help with writing this article:
Smartybarty and Pierre Dzoncy.