If your heart is not hard when you are young, it will never be hard.

Day 4,263, 10:52 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Eddie Larton

Some months ago, a girl requested Citizenship in my country. The first thing that I did was to send her a message asking why she wants to come to eCzech Republic. After few hours, she said that she wanted to bring communism, end the "aristocracy privileges" and be a good country. Of Course I rejected her. Now she is somewhere else trying to bring the "pony tales" on a new country.

What does eCzech Republic needs in my opinion?

We need nobles.

As Nietzsche said on Beyond Good and Evil:
"The noble caste always started out as the barbarian caste. Their supremacy was in psychic, not physical strength, – they were more complete people (which at any level amounts to saying “more complete beasts” –
Mutually refraining from injury, violence, and exploitation, placing your will on par with the other’s: in a certain, crude sense, these practices can be come good manners between individuals when the right conditions are present (namely, that the individuals have genuinely similar quantities of force and measures of value, and belong together within a single body). But as soon as this principle is taken any further, and maybe even held to be the fundamental principle of society, it immediately shows itself for what it is: the will to negate life, the principle of disintegration and decay. Here we must think things through thoroughly, and ward off any sentimental weakness: life itself is essentially a process of appropriating, injuring, overpowering the alien and the weaker, oppressing, being harsh,imposing your own form, incorporating and at least,the very least, exploiting"

That's what we need in eCzech Republic. We need nobles, true men that know his power and wants to use it. The people living here together are self-reliant and want to see their people succeed, mainly because if we do not succeed we run a horrible risk of being eradicated.

A Strong eCzech Republic is what we need.