I Don't Speak Americano

Day 1,751, 05:23 Published in USA Ireland by Seanan
Hello Amerika

I've been sitting pretty in this wonderful country for about 200 days now, eating up those delicious 100/100 bonuses yumyumyummy (: Now, I normally get away with not being a forig, mainly for my ability to speak American fluently.. Although I did arrive off the boat from eIreland to provide bonuses for an Army commune, and I have voted in most elections.

Does this make me a bad person? ;_________;

Civil's concept of purging America, I thought, was a shot of genius/insanity, and I've really enjoyed watching the show. Really, watching someone run full pelt into a brick wall is hilarious, but the shocking part is that I fully agree.

Don't get me wrong, the last few months have seen too much politics and not enough balls.

Let give you an example; The recent baw'ing over the Greek President getting logs from private congress threads. That article is from Israel Stevens, and its about on par with Evry's spin work. I really don't like spinners as country leaders.

"We're not going to MPP Greece, and we didn't tell them that, but they're in the wrong because they caught us!"

No need for propaganda! The truth will suffice.

"We're not going to MPP Greece, along with other Balkan countries, because they are activity pushing their people into American congress seats to vote in the interests of their native country, and not America. Which is real bloody rude."

And that is the truth
TEDEN members reading this article, you really think interfering in the American political system is going to do you any favours?

I ain't a rl American but before I took part in anything (however small) political in this country, I had the courtesy to join an Amercian military unit; Easy Company i.e. best American military ever. And join the horny Federalist Party!

But didn't run for congress or attempt to make any serious impact on politics, apart from teh funny because I'm still very much involved in the runnings of another country. Take the hint!



I have seen more "Opinion pieces"/"Celebrity endorsements" in the last two months than the rl American Presidential elections. Sickening. However, I'd like to add my own thoughts on this last month and next month's potential CPs.

Cry of The Banshee's Term
Key events I thought were memorable this month include:
• Training War with Canada
• Scrapping of Airstrike Plan
• Appelman retiring, Loouman stepping up

This has been a solid term for Cry of The Banshee; The handling of the Training War with Canada went smoothly (well... Banshee developed a few grey hairs, I'm sure!). It all started quickly, most of the potential problems were ironed out early on and even taught ReleaseTheKrakken a lesson in game mechanics. Wonderful.

A transition of Governors/MoF is worthy of mentioning. Loouman has been involved with Appleman and Sweet Drinker in our country's finances for as long as I remember, so that wasn't major. What caught my eye was that Cry of The Banshee quite calmly maintained Ireland's high security status quo. I know Banshee's unity agenda might have succumbed to pressure from the Fox-News Brothers to publicly display our books, but her approach was respectable (even if the Brother's trust doesn't work both ways).

The decision to scrap plans for the Airstrike spoke volumes of Banshee's competence as Taoiseach. It was definitely the most tense part of the term! Rumours of impeachment were floating about, overly critical comments (politicians...) were hitting their target. Cry of The Banshee is military focused, and much of her ambition has been to drive fun warfare. When presented with an option to begin an Airstrike Campaign with no tangible benefit to Ireland, she choose to scrap the proposal rather than waste resources on a short-lived glory run. That is the mark of someone who is more concerned for their countrymen than their own portfolio.

In the end, all political factions seemed to respect the contribution made this term - a step in the right direction in any unity agenda. There was an unfair amount of criticism at the start. Banshee was new to Government, and nothing particularly pressing was happening to warrant pressurizing her.

Raven Anarcho made a relevant comment during the term that the over-the-top criticism was unjustly being motivated by political bias and the bitching behind close doors wasn't contributing anything positive (paraphrased). Certainly, I know that sort of conceited bias happens. I endured an impeachment started for supposedly not reporting my/Minister's activity. Those who reasoned that before have not attempted an impeachment of their preferred candidate Banshee despite similar or less reporting. Instead that ball fell to those who preferred An Sluagh. This term, it never materialized, but I don't believe its an unique problem to any one party (apart from mine, Eire Aonair liked both candidates! ENDORSEMENTTTT).

Going forward with an unity agenda, our active political-types need to recognize a good candidate can come from any party. Which leads onto...

Future Prospects
There are two candidates who might potentially become Taoiseach; Kordak from Eire Aoniar and Nyx Lynx from The Labour Party.

After working with both of them in Government, I'd say they both have considerable experience in Foreign Affairs. Nyx Lynx is more an international celebrity, but Kordak is more familiar with government roles. Both of them arrived in the country near enough at the same time, and both got actively involved from the off.

Manifesto-wise. I suspect Kordak to be more involved with getting our ship in order, and Nyx Lynx to be more focused on finding a crusade. All of that is circumstantial, and to be honest, those focuses will change as the term goes on with opportunities opening or closing. We're in limbo after the failed Chilean Airstrike, our true focus next month is making Ireland attractive to immigrants and improving our strength. Both candidates will have to deal with that.

We need renewed activity. You can start a war, but unless there is a national sense of purpose.. It will not make people login. You can publish all the updates you like, but it won't make citizen's care. Between us, we have to find a common goal to work towards and gun for it. That is my challenge to the next Taoiseach.

So my personal choice? Unsurprisingly, I did vote for Kordak. Already said manifesto's are bit circumstantial so that did not sway me... the fact he is in the same party did not either (our election history shows that party membership is no guarantee of EA's vote). He's got a level-head, demonstrated his quiet confidence before and, despite being new to Ireland, has a good feel of our community. Nyx Lynx is very active, highly vocal and better-connected, but her campaign gave me the impression of someone who thinks of themselves as proven on unblooded ground (leading with an impression of bravado and sense of worth never works out for anyone in Ireland). And the eJapanese like her... a nation of Hentai lovers and lost Americans. Sinful. Both running a good campaign, both worthy of consideration. That is my impression of the candidates based on what they have written... the only way a candidate should be judged if we want to have any chance in finding a common goal in these limbo months.

Thanks for reading,