Here ye, Here ye

Day 4,351, 17:09 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to apply for a job in a different world than you live in? The legendary Tef1 will fulfill your wildest dreams. That is all he does after all.

Lets cut to the point here: Tef1 is running for CP. It will be a very tough race as always for any race that Tef1 is in. Running a eNation is tough and needs partners. The eSwss government has cabinet positions that need to be fulfilled every term.

So, should you want to serve your eNation, please contact Tef1 privately with the following answers.

1. What position you seek?
2. Have you served in that position or similar to it before? (Honorably, of course)If not why you think you are qualified?
3. Are you willing to commit at least 1 day a week to address the public? If not, perhaps you should wait for other terms.

*Please Note: Either your personal or your party's decision to endorse an opponent publicly already does not disqualify you from serving your eNation in Tef1's government. BUT, not applying to the position suggest lack of desire and Tef1 respect that.

*Please Note: Tef1 only selects the best so the mere applying does not guarantee you a spot and spaces are limited. In most cases, it is a coin toss so please do not be offended if you did not make it.

Good luck to all - Though I need the Good Luck more than anyone 😉

At this time, I would like to extend my well wishes to my very dear friend (I genuinely mean that) and opponent best wishes. I cant wish my opponent luck, but I do wish him well. May the best one win friend.

Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere.

SLP Nominee for CP