Fantasy Premier League eRep League 2022/23

Day 5,330, 22:13 Published in Serbia Croatia by Marko Stjepanovic 93


Ovim putem vas obaveštavam da planiram da početkom Jula otvorim Fantasy eRep ligu (ukoliko bude dovoljno zainteresovanih). Kako bi sezona počela, bilo bi dobro da nas ima bar 50 u ligi, da bude interesantno. Ukoliko se javi vas 50 u ovom članku, napisaću drugi u kojem ću objasniti pravila. (ovde se malaze neka od pojasnenja kako se tacno igra FPL)

Delite dalje link od članka da svi vide!!!
Ligu može da igra igrač iz bilo koje države.

Hi everyone,

I hereby inform you that I plan to open the Fantasy eRep League in early July (if there are enough interested people). In order for the season to start, it would be good to have at least 50 of us in the league, to be interesting. If there are 50 of your comments in this article, I will write another one in which I will explain the rules. (here is some of explanation how to play FPL)

Share the link from the article for everyone to see !!!
The league can be played by a player from any country.