Congressional Elections and Treaty Explanations

Day 491, 22:07 Published in Mexico Mexico by Armada de Mexico

As transparency is required on Government action, we are more than happy to explain why the Treaty was negotiated as it was, and for what reasons. It's a good deal for both sides, and personally I'm happy with the end result, as should be everyone else.

1. We get to quit worrying about our more powerful Northern neighbors for the foreseeable future.

Now, you're all no doubtedly saying "We pushed them back."

Yes, we did. But there wasnt a way Mexico was going to penetrate the mainland US at this time. Their economy might have been in the crapper, the weapons prices might be high, but they still have more troops than we do as a country, more ability to produce more weapons in smaller time scales, and we could not continue to be greedy enough to ask our allies to support us for prolonged period of time.Mexico must be self sufficient, and the way we're going to do that isnt by stringing our allies, who aided us to remain sovereign, along in drawn out negotiations.

2. We get a Q5 Hospital for our region.

You think this is for reparations. The problem with that is we lost our bargaining chips when we overtook all the original eMexican regions from them militarily. We didnt have anything they wanted. We could have stayed hospital-less, in a cold war and wondered when Atlantis was going to attack us through the US for the next six months. OR, we could sign a deal which let's them play a little with Baja, gives us time to regain our regions from Portugal (which start tomorrow I believe, in Central Highlands which is our highest economic output region), and regain a semblence of Government, Treasury, and so on. I would not be so arrogant to ask Portugal or any of our PEACE Bretheren for a loan for a Hospital, after all they have done for us already, and I would ask you at least see the logic in that. With this option, we are at least self sufficient.

3. Hospitals grow economy. Fact.

Having a Q5 hospital will make Mexico a little more attractive to warriors travelling around, fighting through MPP's. All we have to do is utilise it to our advantage.

4. We didnt have a Congress, Remember?

Most of you resigned, leaving to defend Mexico. We had a total of 6 Congressmen, 4 who had gone completely inactive or quiet, and the other two were out of proposals. So, with all due respect, Mama, myself, and Dhoo have gone through a lot of painstaking negotiations with the US, PEACE representatives, Portugal, and between ourselves to get this done. I would like to personally thank Bimba, Publius, Sara Droz, Dhoo, Mama Daker, and Scrabman for the effort we all put into this. I believe it is the best route to re-establish relations with our nations for the long term.

So, all I ask is that you remember that while Mexico is in a decent position, and looking brighter each day, we still have some hardships and facts to consider about our world standing. We'll work on them, improve steadily, and soon be ready to stand tall amongst the other countries in the World.

Until that day, we must realise what our own strengths and weaknesses are, and trust the people you're working with.

CSFA de Mexico