Announcing: Daily Music Project: Day 4541

Day 4,541, 06:54 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

I have an idea: I'd like to chase the Media Mongul medal, just to prove its still possibly to get. I will do this by putting out articles that are filled with lighthearted fun, friendly competition, and can be enjoyed by the international community as well. I'd like to start putting out daily music articles.

How it works:

Every day, there will be 5 music videos linked. 2 of them will be my picks, and 3 of them will be chosen in the comments of the previous day's article. The 3 top-voted comments get their song in an article. You may nominate ANY song of ANY LANGUAGE, and I will play it as long as there is a way for me to link it in one of these articles.

First day ever? I guess I can choose all 5 songs today, huh?

First up, we have: Elvis - "A Little Less Conversation"

Keeping a variety of genres, song number 2 will be: The Weekend - "Blinding Lights"

Number 3 is a Russian singer who made a name for herself on YouTube, we have: Polina Poliakova covering Rammstein's "Stirm Nicht Vor Mir"

In the number 4 slot I'll put: "Last Night" by Lucy Spraggan

And last but not least, a song which very recently tore my heart into pieces: The Bojack Horseman Original Soundtrack's "Don't Stop Dancing till the Curtains Fall"

Shoutout to anyone else who watches that show.

That's all for today! Don't forget to share this out since I'm just getting started, and leave your music suggestions in the comments!

See ya around!