[TXN]: Lesson 2, Experience!

Day 5,386, 12:01 Published in Japan Japan by Ogawa Yuto

The Newb Perspective for Fellow Newbs

Part 2: Experience and Charting Progress

There are a number of interesting ways for someone to chart the growth of their character; amongst which are things like strength, military rank, national rank, friends, longevity, medals & decorations, and a ton more that are more complex (I.E. Less at a glance). Really, all of these are important in different ways, and the progress you make with them should largely be dictated by what you want to get out of the game. For example, if you're largely in this for the social experience, then you'd want to define your success based on how many friends you have, and maybe some other factors like article production and engagement.

For me, experience is the primary growth indicator because a lot of the other things I care about come secondary to that. I'm very interested in military rank too, for example, but participating in battles accomplishes the goal of improving on both my experience and military rank scores. What makes exp and levels different is that they're not purely an end product. What I mean is that a lot of the ways we mark progress in game are for the sake of vanity, but have little practical function. Levels are important for unlocking certain features, privileges, missions, and so forth. It should be noted that strength is similar and I may release an article later on that topic.

In the early days, levels are much easier to come by, and a great way to indicate to other folks that you're serious about being an active and engaged participant in the community. So this article is going to be about gaining experience in the quickest way possible, as told from the perspective of someone who is figuring it out along with you!

NOTE: There is a TL😉R version at the end of the article for those who want to skip the nitty gritty details.

First things first, you can track your level on almost any game page from your personalized sidebar; as it'll be the little number in the lower left corner of your icon. The bar beneath that is an experience tracker indicating how close you are to achieving your next level. For a numeric read out, you just have to hover with your cursor over the bar as seen below.

With that out of the way, it's important for you to know the ways in which a person can gain exp. These include: working (exp is gained per each company for which you work), training (per training facility), fighting, voting, becoming a member of a military unit, and sometimes mission completion.

So what does this mean from a practical point of view? Well, missions are not a reliable way to farm exp because once they're complete - they're complete, and they aren't repeatable. Becoming a full member of a military unit is also something that isn't going to happen super frequently.

In order of frequency from least to most, the next most common is voting, which happens at regular intervals. You should vote each time you are able to. However, to vote, you must have the Adult Title which you will get naturally as you work on completing your missions. If you don't currently have the adult title, don't worry about this part.

To tell if you are an adult citizen, you'll want to check your profile page.

Voting in elections takes place on the 5th of each month for presidential elections, the 15th of each month for party elections (note, you must belong to a party), and the 25th of each month for congressional elections. Each time you vote, you get 5 exp.

To vote, you'll want to be on any game page, hover over the community drop down, and go to elections.

From there, you can pull up the election page, which will inform you of the next election date, and can go from there!

Next up is working and training, both of which can be done daily. At a later date, I'm going to be doing an article on working and companies (as requested by another new player), but for now you really only need the basic information you gained from completing the tutorial and through accomplishing missions.

These features are spaced behind timers, which means that you can only gain experience for doing them at certain intervals. However, once the timer is up, you'll get a notification in the form of a red dot on your My Places drop down, so you should never have trouble keeping up with them. As an added bonus, starting out your day by doing training and work will also help contribute to completing your Daily Challenge.

As a refresher, you access both work and training from the My Places drop down under Companies and Training Grounds. I won't be including graphics for this, as it's pretty intuitive and covered in the game tutorial!

Starting with working. You can work on your companies page. To do this, you'll need a job (which is also covered in the tutorial).

You just need to hit the green button on the right side of the page under the heading which reads My Job. Once you hit it, you'll get a little check mark.

I wouldn't worry about it too much at this point, but you'll eventually also be able to work overtime once you collect enough overtime points. Overtime points can be gained a number of ways, but I wouldn't worry about reliably farming them this early on. I will cover more on that when I do my tutorial on companies!

You can also work as manager at your own companies. Doing so will cost you energy for each company you work for, however the action economy for this is very good (double what you get from fighting). To do this, you just have to make sure all of your companies are selected and hit the Start Production button.

You will get a read out on what you produced afterwards. It should be noted that you can only work for yourself once per day and that you can only manage food and weapon companies, so it might be worth it to invest predominantly in those areas early on. I would actually suggest buying up companies in a way that won't break your bank because the action economy is so good. That said, you don't want to leave yourself without any energy or capital, so use your best judgement when it comes to company acquisition.

Factories differ some as they can be upgraded, but I'll take a look at that more closely later on! For now, the important thing to remember is that production of goods and working is a great way to gain experience as you get 2 exp for every 10 energy spent.

The other daily exp activity is Training. You can access the Training Grounds from the My Places drop down.

You'll find a number of training options. The mechanics for this are rather simple. You just tick the right box and hit the green Train button on the same page. Graphic not provided since it's covered in the tutorial. It should be noted that you can train up to 4 times per day. Once per training facility. However, some facilities cost gold to train. Additionally, training facilities can be improved, but at a gold cost. Upgrading the facilities will not improve the amount of exp you gain from training. It's largely up to you to determine how much you value strength, how quickly you want it to grow, and what you're willing to expend to grow it.

Since this article is all about experience points, I won't get too deep on that!

Every training facility you train at will give you 2 experience points and essentially has the same action economy (cost in energy versus gains) as you'd get from working.

Working and Training should be done every day, as they only take a few seconds to complete, and contribute towards your Daily Challenge goals in different ways. Quick and easy way to get regular exp.

Finally, the thing you can do most often to gain experience is Fight. Fighting has some of the worst action economy or experience value per energy spent. However, you can do it much more frequently, and energy is a renewable resource.

A few notes on fighting. For the sake of making sure you are getting the most out of your fighting, you probably want to ensure you rarely let your energy cap out, so you're not hitting your energy maximum and letting it sit without gaining additional new energy on top of that. This is obviously not a requirement to do well, but if you want to wring out every experience point you can get, you don't want to sit on full energy for very long.

You also are going to want to ensure you have enough food to replenish your energy. Thankfully, you can produce your own food, and food tends to be very cheap on the market, if you need to buy some to ensure you're always gaining energy. If you run out of food, you will stop gaining the benefit of energy replenishment, so this is vital.

Another note on fighting. You will probably want to check out eJapan's wall to see if there are certain fights you should abstain from.

This is largely for the political side of things.

The first fight you should get into in a day is your Daily Order as it contributes towards completing your Daily Challenge goal titled Fight in a Meaningful Battle. It should come up for you automatically if you belong to a military unit. I suggest that you join a military unit of your choice as soon as possible.

This will display as a red dot in the corner of your Community drop down. From there, scroll to the Military Unit option. From there, just look under the heading Deployments and hit the button labeled Fight for it to take you to the relevant fight page.

Once that's done (you need to sink 250 energy into the battle) it'll read as 'complete'.

From there, you can continue to participate in that battle or find another one on the Wars page, which can be found via the navigation bar at the top of most game pages. This should bring up a listing of the different conflicts eJapan is engaged in! I personally usually stick with defensive engagements unless otherwise specified by military unit or the president. A good rule of thumb, if you're not sure if you should be engaged in a fight is to check and see where eJapan's forces are concentrated and join in on that fight.

Once you know where you want to fight, it's as simple as hitting the big red button, and getting taken to the battle page. You might need to pick your division or side. However, that's not really what we're looking to cover in the scope of this article. I'll probably release a comprehensive fight article later on. For now, the important thing is to hit the big red Deploy button.

This will bring up a new page for deployment details. Since we're primarily looking to gain exp, you don't really have to worry about ammo, as that's really only a factor if you're looking to maximize on damage. While damage is important, that's not really what we're here for. Save that for when you know the ins and outs of fighting, and are working on collecting medals.

Your primary goal is to dump as much energy as you can into the fight. This serves a number of purposes including experience gain, military rank score increases, prestige point increases, and so fort. Fighting is a very beneficial way of improving on the areas people check for growth and progress.

If you have energy bars, you can hit the little button beside the food button, labeled Max, which will automatically add the energy value of your energy bars to the fight. This is great if you are looking to pick up a big chunk of exp at once. Energy bars are a great resource, and I'll probably cover them later on in another article about resource management. For now, you're going to be getting a lot of energy bars from completing daily tasks, missions, weekly challenges, and from increasing your military ranks. So you should have plenty in the early game.

So just be sure you have the max energy you can get, and hit the Start Deploy button. From there, rake in the exp!

You will get 1 exp per 10 energy spent on fighting. This means if you consistently energy dump throughout the day, you can get a decent chunk towards level progress over time.

The important thing is to remember that longevity is very important in this game, which means consistently, daily doing these tasks over a long period of time! Thankfully most of it goes super quickly once you're used to it.


The short version of the above is to:
1. Work and Train daily.
2. Vote three times monthly.
3. Fight every day, multiple times a day, expending as much energy on it as you can.
4. Take other opportunities to gain exp as they come.

Hope this helps out!

If you have a particular topic you want me to cover, feel free to leave a comment and I'll get on it ASAP!