[MEK] We are recruting. MEK wants you!

Day 2,034, 11:17 Published in Portugal Portugal by Pedrito Legen...Wait for it...


We are legendary, we are united, we are brothers in arms.

We are certainly one of the units with the highest value per player in the world. We are few, but we are MEK soldiers with love to the unit.

We do not play in service, we assume the service as a duty on the battlefield.

Day 2032 (Top 10 global influence):

Day 2033 (Top 15 global influence):

Our participation rates of each member are high, we are all very active.
Who does not want to be in a unit like this?

Join us. Unleash the tank that is in you, feel the force of the MEK!

Our minimum requirements are:
- 30000 hit with q7 weapons;
- God of War rank;
- be very active on a daily basis.

Last MU competition we were the 53th MU in the world in damage and number 1 in Portugal (with just 40 members)
Now we have more members and want to continue growing!

If you want to be part of MEK contact us on #mekpublic or send a PM ingame to rapaz_avr, Cidadao or Passos Coelho