[GOV] Welcome to eMalaysia ....

Day 886, 08:17 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

bolibog or bolibogew . they are the two little kitties that admin has taken from us.

Welcome to eMalaysia all 300-400 newbies which are born in the past 48 hours. Welcome! Check out this massive babyboom - we are now beyond the population target growth and we ll get 3 monuments now!

eMalaysia demographic chart

with the Congressional election around the corner, and the world war around us, there are plenty of reasons to make multies. Whether to get that extra votes to take over the country, or the extra 5G for the tankers somewhere..or to get an imaginary eWife (since no one real likes you enough)

i Welcome you all to eMalaysia - the land of zombies...land of gold miners and land of multi voters!

Carr de Vaux
Your Zombie King president