[GOV] Request to eMalaysia Congressmen

Day 880, 07:07 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Hi Congress,

I hope you all have having a good term so far. As the congressional election is coming to a close - i hope we all have done something good this term. As many lulz proposals are coming and some people will be disappearing into inactivity soon - i hope we can get three things done:

1) All Congressmen to report and post in the eMalaysia Congress forums . Yes, we have a forum but highly underused.

2) All Congressmen to donate to the Central Bank of eMalaysia.

- please do a favor to your nation! we need to strengthen our reserve bank more for unforeseeable events. A tiny donation of 1-2G would be greatly appreciated. I remember the days when DPP and Omnicorp (AC) congressmen donated all 5G winnings...

3) All congressmen to make donation proposals (for XP).
Instead of making lulz tax proposals - please donate the funds in the state treasury to the Central Bank of eMalaysia.

ps: Read my latest weekly presidential update here.

Thank you,
Carr de Vaux
eMalaysia President

All citizens! eMalaysia needs you to signup for the eMalaysian Elites units and Tuah Squadron (normal units). Avatars, weapons and of course fun! So sign up here for Elite Units: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dG5JajN4QzhxTG5PYkdheXJRbjVhd1E6MA">HERE and http://www.erepublik.com/citizen/friends/add/2495636">HERE for Tuah Squadron. For more info message our http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1267049">Supreme Commander or http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1849205">Carr de Vaux