[GOV] Regions Being Returned

Day 1,084, 12:55 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department
Warning: Before reading this article, be sure you are in a place where you won't feel embarrassed for jumping up and down, and crying tears of joy
Malaysians, this is a great day.

Today, two of our regions (Sarawak and Sabah) are being returned to us. As Peninsular Malaysia is currently being contested by America and Indonesia, it is currently unclear what will happen during the next few days in regards to Peninsular Malaysia, but I am certain we will have it back by the end of the week.

Now, brace yourselves. There's even more good news.

Mansour09 (aka amer59) was unbanned today! Our former Minister of Finance (and other things) has been returned to us by the Admins.

Go eMalaysia!

In other news, I'd like to remind everyone that has not already or has forgotten to go on the national forums! These forums are the site of official government business, and are also a great place to ask for help in the game, learn about the game or in general, or just to have fun.

President of eMalaysia