[GOV] Congress election, Cipelici and military update

Day 888, 16:20 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Hi eMalaysians,

Anti-Multi operation (AMO)
The past 48 hours have been quite a stressful and tiring time for the eMalaysia government. We have stretched ourselves quite a bit in a very last minute anti-take over (ATO) mission as my Internal Security departments reported a suspicious babyboom. As such, i authorised an emergency anti-multi operation (AMO) where a team of us haplessly spent our weekends looking for multies and reporting them. By the power vested in me, i intend to grant an one-off 5G reward to these hardworking lads. Their identities of course reminds a secret. 🙂 In addition, we also received some awesome help from our eChina allies whose paratroopers dropped into Sarawak for some very decisive last minute voting. I sincerely thank them for the work.

Congressional election
The congress election itself was full of drama. Thanks to the AMO team as well as the quick action of the admins, some 100 multies were deleted in the course of the election. That had inadvertedly changed the election results significantly. The final standing of the congressional election:
----Cipelici 6 seats
----FUP 5 seats
----DPP 5 seats
----PR 4 seats
----DCM 1 seat

Yes, contrary to my initial promise to Cipelici not to label them as PTO (which i have not done so personally), i authorised an ATO (anti-take over) mission as it appeared quite clear the Cipelici has the intention to capture the majority of the congress based on their number of congress candidates. This, plus the intel of multi activity in the country forced me to take some drastic actions, including 'releasing' Sabah to ePhilippines, spending 70+G to restart the training war and chairing the IRC election coordination amongst the pro-eMalaysia parties. I guess the results speak for itself - and herein, I personally would like to thank the following individuals for their efforts and hardworK:
1) Wan Muhammad Hasif, the PP of FUP.
2) spykerman the PP of DPP
3) Jonny Tan the PP of PR.
4) The veterans of FUP - ww88, vikta, gen-tiger, munafix
5) The veterans of DPP - nagyzee, robert magasi, bryce s, mansour,
6) the rising leaders - maruko81, noveras, hiyamoon, xhokage
7) Djordje Milosevic and borissajkas of Cipelici.

I hope all winning congressmen can donate part of his treasure Gold to the state bank. Hint at Cipelici - this is a good chance to demonstrate your seriousness about contributing to eMalaysia.

Cipelici and eMalaysia

Hang on, you asked why i am thanking the Cipelici despite all the hours of work to ATO their intended congressional take over? Well, when borissajkas and Cipelici released their roadmap towards an eventual peaceful migration to eMalaysia, i was rather hopeful that we could actually forget about the multies and move forward. The senior eMalaysian, Vikta made an apt respond that very much reflects my personal opinion.

Here we are, at the aftermath of the 'congressional battle'. I am again offering a cease-fire to the Cipelici . Yes, the banhammer yesterday took away some of the multies from both sides (Cipelici and eMalaysians), and i would not pretend that eMalaysians in general do not have multies amongst us. The main difference is - eMalaysia govt never condone these multies and never use them in an organised manner. I believe with that banning, we can perhaps negotiate a cease fire. Let's face it - multies sucks - serbians' or malaysians'.

I am modifying slightly Vikta's response - and this is my requirements for a peaceful integration in the coming months:

1. All sides stop producing multies (they behave like RL nuclear weapons) in eMalaysia. Any sides discovering any multies shall report them immediate. eMalaysia govt will welcome 1-2 member of Cipelici to be on the AMO team.

2. All current multies shall be abandoned or handed over to the admins.

3. Cipelici congressmen and members shall participate in the government institutions of eMalaysia. In particular, citizenship passes must be approved by the Minister of Immigration.

4. Fight on eMalaysia military orders and for eMalaysia. (we would have the exemption for Cipelici members to fight to protect eSerbia original territories).

5. Stop spreading lies in the media in particular with regards to the government actions. General politicking propaganda is allowed by blatant lies are prohibited.

6. Most of all, all cipelici permanent residents/migrants shall pledge their loyalty to eMalaysia and not any other country. They should strive to put the interests of eMalaysia above other countries.

Military Updates

Check the latest Tentera Darat Malaysia orders. For day 888, we shall defend eChina in Jilin. Fight with your strongest weapons and do your biggest damage. We shall repay the good faith of eChina yesterday with our damages today. Free weapons from TDM is availble.

sorry for the wall of text.
Carr de Vaux
President of eMalaysia