[Flash4SFP] Another One

Day 4,741, 14:08 Published in USA Spain by Flashback1

A lot has happened in the last few weeks, both in real life and in eUSA. I hope you’re doing well and have found something to keep you from getting too caught up in the stress of the world.

^ me, most nights of the last week

In the spirit of transparency, I want to say that I haven’t gotten as much done as I had hoped during this term as SFP Chair. However, SFP has remained well-positioned, and I am running for a second term so that I can actually get things moving the way I wanted.

In terms of platform, I am still pushing everything that I published last month in this article: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-flash4sfp-let-s-talk-about-goals-2724740/1/20

The biggest update is that, after a few weeks of technical issues, I now have access to a former Org account to use as the official SFP media account! I’m working to make everything pretty as we speak, so expect my first article next term to be published there! Super excited to see what we can do there.

Cheers to that!

I don’t think anyone is even running against me, but I wanted to put something out to announce my intentions.

Much love y’all,
