[FF #10] - WIN UP TO 7000 CC - My account in erepublik.

Day 4,182, 11:08 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by Sisk
What Is A Fun Fund (FF)?

Into this fund I would deposit 100% of every article endorse I will make and all the donations i receive.

All the moneys in this fund will be used for funding contests and encourage people to write articles and be a lot more active in media.

Also everyone that wanna help with this project can donate gold , cc or erepublik items. All donors will be written in this sheet that will be posted in all future articles that i will make. Also people can buy a space in the articles where they can promote their um/party or newspaper, or just make a message known to more people.

This is a very simple contest and every entry will get paid 1000 CC. All you have to do is write an article where you post images of your account doing some actions. For taking print screens when you do those actions you can use snag.gy to make you life more easy. In order to get paid you have to do at least 3 actions.
To enter the contest leave a comment with your article link. Entries are open 7 days from now , later entries will not get paid.

Actions for CC
- 500 CC if you share the link of this article on your friends list. [NOT OPTIONAL]
- 500 CC if you Work and Train. [NOT OPTIONAL]
- 500 CC if you do your daily order. [NOT OPTIONAL]
- 500 CC if you fight in an aerial battle [OPTIONAL]
- 500 CC if you make a pertinent comment in someones article [OPTIONAL]
- 500 CC if you endorse someones article[OPTIONAL]
- 500 CC if you fight in a ground battle[OPTIONAL]
- 1000 CC if you support a RW [OPTIONAL]
- 500 CC if you lose a Guerrilla Match [OPTIONAL]
- 1000 CC if you win a Guerrilla Match [OPTIONAL]

- Your country will receive the amount of CC you get in endorsements.
- for every person that join the contest as your referral you get 10% of his earnings.
* He need to have a valid article and to write in his article that you are his referral

To support the FUN FUND you can donate GOLD / CC / FOOD / WEAPONS / TICKETS and write me a PM or leave a message in this article. All endorsements will go to the FUN FUND.
You can check the full list of sponsors by clicking the image bellow.
New donations are made by...

Ikki di Phoenix
50000 CC

B. Marcell
5000 CC

26520 CC
Paid message

DISCLAIMER : In order to be payed you have to add the link of this contest in your article

IMPORTANT : : Articles can be refused if they are to short or very bad.
[FF #10] - WIN UP TO 7000 CC - My account in erepublik.