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Cum ar arata eREP daca …. admini ar citi&aplica macar o parte din ideile astea

23 Day 1,448, 04:28 Published in Brazil Brazil Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Concursu’ lu’ Vicarti m–a motivat sa mai scriu un articol dupa o lunga hibernare.
Ce modificari at trebui sa aiba loc in eREP ca FAN-ul sa revina in joc se intreba el. Iaca ideile mele:


De mult vreme observam ca goldul a luat-

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12 Day 1,424, 01:12 Published in Brazil Brazil Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


Ppl. voted for Kosovo to be independent.
I read in the press that are some tensions between Turkey and Serbia. Some serbs want to boycot the game ... so on. The [url=

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67 Day 1,289, 04:35 Published in Poland Poland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Combinatia asta de latinism, slavism si putin singe germanic ne-a facut pe noi, romanii, putin mai speciali. Ii admir pe sirbi care au stat la cutie un an si ceva si cind au plecat s-au oprit in China… LK si cu greu dupa multe incercari am reusit sa

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ce vremuri, ce Oameni

82 Day 1,288, 03:39 Published in Poland Poland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Azi dimineata un prieten croat(zdlemmy) ma intreba daca theimortalone e intradevar in far... daca e de incredere, etc. ca sa ii dea cetatenie croata. Mi-am aminitit cum era acum aproape 2 ani cind am venit in FAR ALPHA. Eu eram micutz, iar

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Project for brazilian babies

24 Day 1,281, 01:00 Published in Brazil Brazil Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The project for new babies from BRAZIL.

A tank Q5 is on the market 34.70 BRL. This is the lowest price.
A tank consumes 50 RAW, and the price of RAW is 0.41 BRL = 20.50 BRL.

My project is:

1. hire to [read more »