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Dragi Slovenski eGradjani - Info o Slovenija-Austrija TWu

14 Day 5,096, 14:46 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Battle orders Battle orders

Dragi eSlovenci (i jos draze eSlovenke)

Kako naslov kaze, odlucila sam napisati clanak za one koji mozda nisu na Telegramu / ne znaju gdje se ordersi mogu vidjeti.

Ja sam vam premorena i ne mogu vise pisati PMove i moliti Slovenske igrace da

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[eRepublik] Special Halloween Weekly 2021 - Part 1 (19-Oct to 26th-Oct)

19 Day 5,088, 16:38 Published in Austria Austria First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Dear all,

I will try to be quick as we have few more hours left in Part I of the special Halloween challenge - Night’s Hollow Challenge (I)

Due … read more »

[eRepublik] Autumn Sale 2021 + Weekly challenge + Power Spin

12 Day 5,063, 13:01 Published in Austria Austria First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Dear all,

I will try to be quick as we have few more hours left in the Autumn Sale Plato prepared for us 😃

Due to RL things, this article is … read more »

[Pictures] eRepublik meeting 26-09-2021 in Zagreb, Croatia

80 Day 5,061, 16:01 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dragi svi, ovo je placeholder za slikice.
Trebam ih prebaciti i uploadati + provjeriti za par da li je ok ako objavim 😉

UPDATE: Slike konačno uspješno prebačene (nakon puno muke) i stavljene u galeriju 😉

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[eRep meeting] 26-09-2021 Ned 18h - Zagreb, Croatia

89 Day 5,054, 11:52 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dragi svi,
Konačno zečetina na hrvatskom tipka 😃
Sokol će biti happy, a vjerujem i Tom Tomašić isto 😉
(Prvi ima posebnu leteću pozivnicu ovaj put, a za drugog razumijem ako ne može doći - ali bih rado da barem izaslanik koji je u Zagrebu -

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