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D4411 550 subs! 56 articles so far :)
D4488 1k subs reached! Ty all!

[Sale +] Icarus Weekly Challenge I and II - 28-Jun to 11-Jul-2022

11 Day 5,341, 04:44 Published in Austria Austria First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Hi all,

Plato prepared a special Scorching Summer Event and a special weekly challenge this 2 weeks - Icarus Weekly Challenge (I) and (II).


Icarus Weekly Challenge (I)
Start Day 5,334
End Day 5,340

Icarus … read more »

[Event] Balloon Bonanza - 31-May-22 to 06-Jun-22

24 Day 5,305, 12:04 Published in Austria Austria First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Hi to all!

Seems that Plato wants us to find the inner child in the new Weekly Challenge starting on 31-May-2022 🙂 So we will have a special weekly challenge starting tomorrow.

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Lista 300 članaka - 300 Articles List

16 Day 5,268, 06:01 Published in Croatia Croatia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Pozdrav svima.

Ako nekome nije jasno kako rješavati Spring break misije, pišite u komentarima 😉

A evo liste 300 članaka (zadnjih 20ak tek trebaju biti objavljeni, pa krenite odozgo 😉 )

Hi to all!

If you have … read more »

[eRep Update] Introducing the Daily Challenge

21 Day 5,251, 16:24 Published in Austria Austria First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Dear all,

From 06-April-2022 - D5252 - we will have some additional goodies on daily basis 😉

The daily challenge

Note: I will update the article when we have more info, for now adding … read more »

[eRep Missions] Spring Challenge 2022

40 Day 5,235, 14:22 Published in Austria Austria First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Dear all,

Seems we could have a special Weekly Challenge + some new missions in the following 2 weeks 😉

Spring break special weekly challenge

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