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[Projekt]: Pomoc 1:1 / Help 1:1 + ostalo

84 Day 4,266, 09:13 Published in Croatia Croatia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Dragi eCro community,

Mnogi od vas znaju da se u Rabbits EMU brinemo o eBebama i povratnicima.
Hvala svima koji javite / preusmjerite nove igrace da nam se pridruze.

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For you (poem by GeneriQ, EN translation)

16 Day 4,261, 09:29 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear all,

I've read today poem by one Croatian player, GeneriQ, and read it again and again.
I asked if I can translate for him to publish, but he gave me the honour to publish it in my newspapers.
Original in Cro language can be found here:

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eRep International meet 03-08-2019, Zadar, Croatia

177 Day 4,245, 12:10 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear all,

So, the time has come, article about big international eRepublik meeting is out! 😃

Where: Zadar, Croatia
When: 03-08-2019, Saturday

What's the plan now:
1st, for me is important to know the

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[New eCro Air EMU] Flying Rabbits - Introduction [EN/HR]

179 Day 4,216, 12:09 Published in Croatia Croatia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Dear all,

We would like to introduce to you our Elite Military Unit, first in Croatia specialized for Air (but not only, more on that later in this article):
[URL src=”https://www.erepublik. … read more »

Flying Rabbits MU

74 Day 4,189, 02:55 Published in Croatia Croatia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Dragi svi,

Dana 4169 osnovan je novi MU Flying Rabbits, sa ciljem lakse pomoci okupljenim eBebama i povratnicima u igru / jacanja air snaga eLijepe nase 🤗

Danas je

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