Yes, yes, it's true. Trump invited me. . .

Day 3,554, 23:09 Published in USA USA by Dariuswolff

I was invited to the Trumpen-Dumpen, an establishment formerly known as The White House for an informal dinner. I must say, it was my pleasure to turn the invite down. I thought it was in very poor taste that the menu items were, shall we say, controversial. I mean, after all, Korean Barbecue a la Atomique as the main course?

Not to mention the foot long hotdogs, which are best described as having been measured in fantasy inches and were no doubt better described as Auschwitz on a bun. Trumpenfeuhrer likes his meats cooked to cinders and ashes with a big splash of ketchup. That alone is reason to impeach the bastard. Stop fucking up with food!

I really drew the line with the wine list, Pouilley Fuisse, which the ostensibly queerless leader relabeled as pulley-pussy with a graphic on the bottle leaving very little to the imagination as to which parts of the anatomy he wants you to think he is having plenty of. I dare not go into the peach course, because of parallels having been graphically drawn in the past.

I am grateful to have missed this fiasco and sorry that the tax payers funded it.

Until next time. play safe and play often, for, we have no idea how much time we have left. ENJOY.