Worlwide lottery - Drawing 25/10+Next drawing(2nd)

Day 705, 10:48 Published in USA South Africa by Calew
The winning ticket was picked from random.org.


To win you need atleast three numbers right. All winners can't be announced in the article, so you have to send me a message saying you have won. 48 hours from now all winnings will be donated to the winners and if you haven't sent me a message by then your price will be put in the jackpot. So make sure that you have subscribed to the newspaper so you don't miss it.

Next drawing - 50 gold jackpot
One week from now, on day 712 the next drawing will take place. You can buy tickets until 23:59 on day 711. The price of one ticket is only 0.1 gold and the jackpot is 50 gold. For more information about how the lottery works and how to buy tickets read this article.

We are still looking for sponsors. Your money will go to the jackpot and in return you will get advertisement in my articles. Contact me if you are interested.