Work Together, or Anvil to the Face

Day 1,921, 09:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Massacar

Hello everyone,

Today I speak on a subject many may be familiar with. I speak of the constant bickering that goes on inside of eRepublik.

It is healthy for a population to foster some sort of dissent, for dissent leads to change, and hopefully progress. That being said, dissent should be polite, or at the very least observe social etiquette. As I read through the comments on articles published by other parties, or sometimes even the comments in the chat bar, I find myself disgusted by people conduct. It's fine to disagree, it's great to argue, but do it in a manner that isn't childish and vain.

1. Don't use pointless Vulgarities.
2. Don't use personal insults.
3. Don't make wide assumptions of a persons peers based on an individuals opinion.

If we could at least maintain these things, civil debate would be a much better endeavor.

Thank you for reading, Share this around if possible.