Why playing? Problems with monetary market and economy

Day 1,298, 17:32 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

I dont really know what gets me here to play everyday. There is nothing in this game anymore that tempts me to play everyday. Admins we need some new attractions. The game is just to easy you dont need to work hard to survive.

But there are so many problems in this game that need to be fixed, i dont know where to start. But 2 huge problems are the overproduction and the monetarymarket.

I dont want to praise the old erep but i think in the old days many things were better than now.


In the old times you were born, couldnt do much, had to save all money you could get - long story short it was hard. And the reward of these hard first weeks or even months was your first company - your own company - and with some luck even the big money! And with the months passing you trained your citizen in work- and military-skill. And with the bigger wage you felt satisfaction, just the military-skill wouldt really pay off because of the old players with much higher damage.

Now your born, you have 3grain and 1bread-company, which means you dont need to buy bread at all to survive. All products are worth almost nothing because you sell for some currency and have to sell several hundreds units to have enough for 1gold.

All citizens have the same productivity and the only incentive to play is to train your military skill. So the players are almost decoupled from the market - the only link are weapons to fight. But as new player you wont have a chance in the fights because the older players still have much higher damage. The battle-hero-medal remains to be a dream.

So here is my plan:
Just limit the production. Dont give everybody free companies from the start. Its ok if the game is hard at the beginning. Why would someone wants to play an easy game? Thats no fun. And there are even organisations helping new players! Helping newbies was a main interaction field between new players and the veterans! Now the newbies dont really need any help at all.


Having fun by dealing on the monetary market, which was my favourite part of the game and my main source of income, now is nearly impossible because of the 10gold limit.
The exchange rates from currency to gold are a joke. Ok its good to buy new land for like 2gold worth amount of currency. But this devaluated all products because the prices didnt go along with these developments.

'5trillions mark'

inflation is no fun

money market business is fun

So here is my masterplan:
Its a fact that countries can print an unlimited amount of currency.
So they buy all gold on monetary market. This step makes it possible for the citizens to get much currency for few gold to buy new land and expensive products.

In the second step the countries sell the gold for a low price. This step ensures that everybody doesnt need an amout of >10.000currency to get 10gold. So it becomes easier to buy companies. Nobody will need to buy gold for real money.

No for real: please drop the limit of 10gold per day. Cheating is still possible by selling overprized products from one citizen to an other. So the limit on monetary market is ineffective.

some cheaters selling high priced q1 food at my corner