Why I am running for Vice President

Day 1,197, 19:57 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
Given that we could be attacked at any minute, you should be subscribed to the Department of Defense Orders. Also, Californians should evacuate.

I don’t need the experience, having been Vice President last summer under Chocolate McSkittles. I don’t need the exposure, I’m already a media mogul and well-known. I definitely don’t need the headaches from campaigning.

When Harrison Richardson asked me to be his Vice President, I accepted, despite knowing my stress level was about to go up and my responsibilities would increase.

This is a critical time in our country’s history, with an invasion imminent, our alliances uncertain and an unknown group on the rise internally. Since my term as VP, I’ve stayed out of Presidential elections, not offering endorsements, let alone agreeing to be on anyone’s cabinet or VP pick. But I felt a duty to this country not to stay silent this month. The stakes are too high for me to stay on the sidelines.

I’m running because I believe Harrison Richardson is the right man to lead this country and want to do what I can to help him help. I was involved in both of Harrison Richardson’s previous administrations, and left both impressed at his abilities.

He knows how to manage foreign affairs and work with allies, which is more important than ever with war looming. He’s not afraid to say something unpopular if it’s the right thing to do.

And more importantly for our country’s future, he knows how to develop talent. I was one of those newer faces he mentored in his first term in 2009, and he made sure his Vice President in his most recent term, Chocolate McSkittles, knew everything he needed to know to be a good President the very next month. Already confirmed for this term, Harrison has recruited Hadrian X to be his Secretary of Defense, which is a spectacular choice. Hadrian is not only a former JCS member but a great friend of mine and a man of the highest character. Both of Harrison’s previous cabinets have been filled newer people ready for a big-time job, and we’ll need to find and develop a new generation of leaders and heroes to prevail in the upcoming war.

It’s a very short list of people I would’ve agreed to be Vice President for, even in this time of need. It has to be someone I can trust to know what’s going on, what needs to be done and how to do it. Harrison Richardson is that person.

I ask you for your support on Election Day and thank you for reading.