Why ESO should elect me as PP

Day 2,701, 12:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jny123

Hello fine people of eUK but more importantly for this article dear members of ESO. As you may have noticed in the feed I am running for PP and as promised I am writing this article to say why you should vote for me. Enjoy

About me

I am now quite an old player having played this game for 3 years now. During this time I have experienced pretty much every aspect I could, serving in congress in 3 different countries, working in government ministry (having been a minister twice) and what I feel is most important for this is being PP of a party that I helped set up. I served as PP of GBDP many times and while I made a few bad decisions I always kept the party's interest at heart and twice offered my resignation up. This experience has made me far wiser and more capable as a PP and therefore hope I don't make any mistakes.

What I plan to do

written in handy and precise bullet points:
- Continue to keep a good presence in congress.
- Try to recruit more members.
- Ensure that democracy is upheld within the party on decisions such as CP.
- Keep all members informed of the goings on of the party and try to get as much input from you all as I can.

got to love recycling old banners

That is all from this, if you have any questions for me then please feel free to comment below or message me.

and remember ESO

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