Where are We Headed

Day 2,054, 06:52 Published in Ireland Argentina by BOUD1CCA
An Irish legend hijacked and used (badly) as a parable of contemporary eIrish circumstances
With great apologies to Osin (he would forgive me I know \o/)

I had left the glorious country of eIreland when it was at the peak of its power. Leaving for eAustralia a wonderous fairy realm (especially so when orcs & goblins infesting the place from South America & South East Asia are removed.
However a problem with fairy realms is that they are chock a block full of fairies & the dancing, prancing & mincing about was getting me down).

I missed the bards and warriors of Ireland – the ones who were scared of nothing, who had banished Poland from the US & the UK from Ireland’s sacred shores, and then had organised great feasts songs & articles to commemorate these events

A danger of returning from fairy realms is that time moves slowly there – not so much backward, just things go slowly.
I was warned not to touch the ground when I returned or bad things would happen– easily fixed by me riding a magical ehorse.

I was soon back in Ireland and headed for the places I remembered. But something was wrong, the colours were muted, the air flat & lifeless & smelling of defeat.

Then a strange horror fell upon me, and I thought some enchantment from the land of Faery held my eyes and mocked me with false visions.
I threw my arms abroad and shouted the names of Finn and Oscar, but none replied, and I thought that perchance the hounds might hear me, and I cried upon Bran and Sceolaun, and strained my ears if they might catch the faintest rustle or whisper of the world from the sight of which my eyes were holden signs of negativity despair & defeat.
But I heard only the sigh of the wind & the snickering of Englishmen.

I came near to the western sea and was now in the place which is called the Valley of the Thrushes, otherwise known as Cork.
I saw in a field upon the hillside a crowd of men striving to roll aside a great boulder from their tilled land, and an UK overseer directing them. Towards them I rode, meaning to ask them concerning Finn and the Fianna or even Irishbhoy if I was desperate enough

As I came near, they all stopped their work to gaze upon me, for to them I appeared like a messenger of the Fairy Folk or an angel from heaven. Taller and mightier I was than the women-folk they knew, with sword-blue eyes and brown ruddy cheeks; in my mouth, as it were, a shower of pearls, with luscious red lips and bright hair clustered beneath the rim of my helmet.(truely, not a word of a lie here).

And as I looked upon their puny forms, their swollen heads, obviously packed full of knowledge of game mechanisms – I thought, even with heads as big as that, knowing everything as they reckoned, how could they possibly fit all that knowledge inside those skulls, big as they are?

Their puny little arms though, barely able to lift the weapons that other people made & give them to Polish & Argentinan mercenaries, let alone swing them in battle.

Feeling pity for their gay punyness I reached over to move the boulder of defeatedness that they were having such a hard time with.

WTF – Just in time, I realised they won’t thank me, & we all know how that legend ends 
I would not have Blessed Saint Patrick but the likes of High Cleric Kurgan to contend with. Stop now.

You want to know how this plays out – visit the eIrish University

Am I a menace to eIreland or are the other lot.