What to do till V1?

Day 321, 11:59 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Okay, I've been in eRepublic for about a little over a week now and I've been trying to invite some friends over to it. The problem is that I don't quite know what to tell them about it once you get past the initial start up. Today Chahk Noir posted an article called Beginner's Lack (http://www.erepublik.com/article-685435.html) which I think expresses this very idea.

Chahk was complaining about how he has found lots of beginners guides to getting started in eRepublik but that he has found very few that tell you what there is to do once you've joined a party, gotten your job, and started your newspaper. There is the idea of eventually starting your own company or your own political party but that isn't for everyone. What about all of that military training when there are no wars to fight?

Well, eRepublik is supposed to be like life and that's sort of how life is. Instead of two-clicking it every day real life is also somewhat boring. I suppose that there is a question there somewhere. Is eRepublik supposed to be a representation of real life or is it supposed to be an escape from real life? Two-clicking is the minimum you can do to be involved in eRepublik but I think that there is probably much more that you could do.

At this stage the "more you can do" are the things listed above. I suppose that if you want a more exciting existence you could choose to move to another country that is engaged in warfare or is developing. Just buy a moving ticket and off you go. However, you have to renounce your job, your political party, and your paper to do it. You can come back just as easily though ... no big deal. Maybe a new country would be more interesting and different than things here ... more random ... with warfare too.

Then again, it sounds like V1 will have some of this built into it. I don't know everything about V1 but it sounds like there will be more things to do and more incentives to move around ... if you want to. This is the question that is posed by Chahk and I think it's a good one. So how long till V1 gets here and what will make this world more interesting? Is it a problem of expectations? Should people look at this world as different from most other games and just understand that about it? LIke Chahk says ... 30,000+ people can't be wrong ... can they?