Warming Up The Presses

Day 1,180, 00:42 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Hi guys, Just a brief article today to say a couple things.

To keep with that promise of it being brief: I intend to begin writing again occasionally because I'm bored. For my first article I figured I'll do something I haven't done before (and something that doesn't require a ton of ingenuity out of me...) - a Q&A piece where you guys ask me whatever your heart desires.

Feel free to leave questions of any nature on any topic in the comments section (or PM them to me) and I'll pick some out. I may or may not choose your question and I may or may not answer your question seriously. I am also accepting/considering article topic requests, as well as potential renames for my paper (something I have yet to do)

And to pre-empt the question, at the moment I have no plans of participating in eRep outside of the media module, the external forums, and occasionally 2clicking for the glory of Publius' economic empire.

With love,

As a side note, I may be in Croatia sometime this summer, not sure yet. Anyone wanna grab a beer?