War is War

Day 957, 16:51 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

A Shock to the System

Hours ago, Pres. McSkittles launched a surprise assault of Far Eastern Russia. I'm all for surprising our enemies, but not the US Military, JCS, your own Cabinet of trusted Advisors, and our allies. Thanks to the actions of a certain former Russia President, The US, China, and EDEN held a distinct advantage over Russia. If we had waited until we built up our gold reserves and coordinated with our allies, we could have been rolling right into Moscow within a week of our initial assault. Unfortunately, our President values action over strategy. I personally value strategy over action for the sake of action. I personally think the leader of a country as powerful and important as the US, should be a strategist first, and an action hero last. Our greatest Presidents were all strategists. Scrabman brainstormed with advisors before making rash decisions. Harrison Richardson kept his cool while the nation was invaded from all sides. Emerick used diplomacy as well as military might to bring America back from the brink of annihilation. These men were some of our greatest because they learned from the past, acted in the present, and planned for the future. These are the traits that distinguish the greats from the others.

Baby boom for Who?

One of the President's main reasons for his actions is we need a baby boom. I agree that we need a baby boom, but under the right circumstances, and for the right reasons. It is true that we had a baby boom following the North American invasion. However, it was under the right circumstances and for the right reasons. The whole world fought on the North American continent. We have the full support and aid of our allies on our side. But if Russia were to invade now, the circumstances have changed. It would be one thing if we activated all these MPPs in a block for an ally such as China or Croatia, but we did not do it as a block. We did it for "glory". We did it for "action". This war will motivate us and get us buzzing and a little more active. The thing is, Russia will have the same reaction. We are giving Russia an opportunity to grow stronger as a result.

June 5th

On June 5th we will have a new President residing in the White House. That President will have to face the repercussions of these actions, as well as the chaos of V2, and a continued decline in US activity. The issues we face are too large and too important to screw up. Our next President must have the experience, dedication, and courage necessary to take America not only forward, but upward. I believe Bradley Reala is America’s best choice for a better future. I have no doubt Bradley Reala and Fionia have what it takes to lead this great country, and I hope you will join me in voting for them.

War is War

War is War. No matter how dumb or untimely it is. I must admit, I do love kicking the crap out of Russia and you will see me on the battlefield many...many...many times during the war and I will be waiting on the west coast for the first wave of Red troops. Once V2 starts, things will change dramatically. Battles will no longer be fought by tanking walls. They will be won with activity. And that is why I am uncertain about America's future.
