War is Over (If you want it to be)

Day 1,488, 05:37 Published in Venezuela USA by Julian Caesar

After being willing to quit eRepublik, I surfed around YouTube and found a suiting video for our situation.


We are behind enemy lines, can we make our way back this time? That depends on us. Are we willing to give up our war-craving habit, and instead, become mercenaries rather than a problem? What exactly makes Venezuela a problem? FAILED DIPLOMACY!!! That is what causes all wars. When a disagreement could have been handled peacefully, one side turns to violence, and forces the other side to do so as well.

How does this relate to us today? Why do I need to know all this? So you can analyze our recent actions and see if we handled diplomacy with care. If we haven't you need to reconsider the type of government we are living in.

I understand that the war games issue was handled with paranoia. Why are we paranoid? We aren't. We simply can't handle a sore loser in power. Unfortunately, as well, Cebec was also in power. Let's simplyfy this event to this:

A troll in power is the worst thing that can happen. Remember how I mentioned that war is a result of failed diplomacy? Well, a troll is a perfect example of a HORRIBLE diplomat. Cebec is a lazy, irresponsible troll. In fact, Cebec is so lazy, that IT, as I will call Cebec, gave away our lands again. It doesn't care about the suffering citizens of the country. As a matter of fact, Cebec doesn't want a country at all, it just wants power and a title. No wonder it gave away our country! It doesn't want to manage a country, no, that's too much work for it.

If our government fails us, what do we have to rely on? Ourselves? No, no, comrades, we might rely on our community, our society. Might, because even these two groups can become corrupt. With a strong community, we can end our war, and maybe even win!

Now it's your choice: Is war over?

Link especially for Cebec: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxUV1myA7UM