Wages and How The Pay May Affect How You Live (13th Day, Mar20 05:17)

Day 851, 05:18 Published in USA USA by JmanTizzle
Pic of the Day: Fail, very realy fail.

1: Wages and Pays
2: Funnies
3: Questions

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Wages, and how the pay may affect how you live.

People are wanting a lot of money lately. They need to buy weapons, food, moving tickets, and houses for some people. So, the people in result want a raise
beacuse the prices of these items are getting more expensive. My current pay is $3.30. that is personaly all I need, but, do I want more? You bet, I'm
asking for a raise but my boss hasn't responded yet. I'm hoping he does, because I would love a raise, expesially with the new healing program. I don't
like the new healing program. Now, we only get healed for what we lost in war. I liked it when I could be fully healed by healing from the hospital.
If you liked the old healing program or the new one, vote, sub, and comment.

Back to the point, people ask for more money becasue, they may be gready or they may can't afford the right neccesities to live.
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Why did the cat shoot down the bird?
Because he couldn't reach!
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I am starting a new colenum about the questions you guys ask me. But, you guys havn't asked me any questions yet, so, ask me any question and I'll post it
in my articles and answer them as best as I can. (Message me the questions, don't comment questions)
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