Voting Record - Alaska - Days 737-739

Day 740, 12:49 Published in USA Greece by Maxx Johnson

Date: 11/26 Day 737 of the New World
President of Singapore proposed a mutual protection pact with USA
Proposed By: Erius
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted 51-0
Rationale: This alliance expands our war games with Ireland and allows more countries to participate. This allows our ally’s to become stronger through training and reduces the cost impact of the games.

11/26 Day 737 of the New World
President of USA proposed a mutual protection pact with Romania
Proposed by: Josh Frost
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted 49-0
Rationale: This is an extension of a current Mutual Protection Pact with our ally Romania.

11/27 Day 738 of the New World
President of Paraguay proposed a mutual protection pact with USA
Proposed by: Santivaz
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted 47-0
Rationale: This alliance expands our war games with Ireland and allows more countries to participate. This allows our ally’s to become stronger through training and reduces the cost impact of the games.

11/27 Day 738 of the New World
Do you agree to transfer 42000 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Proposed by: sydiot
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted 49-0
Rational: This is a routine transfer to move funds from the national account to the CBO. The national account can only move funds once per day and this move allows the CBO to transfer money to organizations as needed.

11/28 Day 739 of the New World
President of Bosnia and Herzegovina proposed a mutual protection pact with USA
Proposed by: simonica
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted 46-0
Rationale: This will place Bosnia and Herzegovina back onto our formal ally and MPP list. Last month the extension of our existing MPP was rejected by their government as a result of a successful POT. This puts things back to where they should be.

11/28 Day 739 of the New World
Do you agree to transfer 1073 HRK from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Proposed by: Rheinlander von Phalz
Vote: Yes
Result: 48-0 with 9 hours left
Rationale: This is a routine transfer to move funds from the national account to the CBO. The national account can only move funds once per day and this move allows the CBO to transfer money to organizations as needed.