Vote CheetahCurtis In East Midlands

Day 1,616, 23:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Hello, for those who do not know me I am CheetahCurtis, currently a Congressman in London and a newspaper editor. I plan to run for Congress again this month, however I will now be running in the East Midlands. You may not have voted for me last time, but why should you vote for me now?

About Me
I am CheetahCurtis, I have over 4 months experience in playing eRepublik. I follow many of the political areas of eRepublik very closely, even publishing a few articles about the current situation. I have actually played on eRepublik everyday since I signed up to the game, working and training everyday, aswell as visiting the forums and IRC from time to time.
I love publishing my newspaper articles and being inside the Congress can help me learn more on what is happening throughout the game. I have had mostly great feedback from my articles, although there has not been a recent article published.
I ran for Congress in London just under 1 month ago, and recieved the 4th most votes. This was the first time that the eUK had had a Congress in over 3 months, and the eUK began to gain many regions while Talon Karrde was in charge. We can know have 40 Congress members this time, which I hope to be a part of.
If I Am Electe😛
- I will vote in every law that passes through Congress, just like I did last term.
- I will take into consideration the thoughts of the nation when going to vote.
- I will continue to log onto this game everyday.
- I will not take any bribes from people trying to enter the country.
- I will try my best to free the eUK's regions from our enemies.
My Newspaper Promise
I know that many people have enjoyed the articles that I have published so far, however I have not released any articles in the past 2 weeks. If you did enjoy some of my articles then I would suggest you vote for me. For every vote that I recieve on the election day, I will release 2 articles during my time in Congress, most of which should be about the current eUK situation or guides to help newer players. I will only do this if I get into Congress, so make sure that you are online on the 25th to vote for me. There will probably not be a limit on what I will publish however it is very hard to do more then 1 good article a day. If you have not seen any of my articles then here's a few:
- The eUK and It's Enemies
- eUnited Kingdom Compared To Populated Contries
- Talon Karrde Question Time
- Getting Extra Money
Remember, your vote means an extra 2 articles to help the eUnited Kingdom.
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 25th of April 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.