Vote Aoife for Premier - Vótail Aoife do deachtóir!

Day 2,754, 14:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tara C

- Vote Aoife NiBhriain -

So as most of you know, we(eIreland) decided to install a self-dictatorship for our own safety.
We are holding elections to vote who we want to be our Premier a.k.a. Dictator.

There are five candidates
Don Croata - An Sluagh - AoifeNiBhriain - Moomoohead - Releasethe Krakken

- I'm voting for -

A few things about Aoife:

I feel and know that she is a very trustworthy candidate.
She is 21 years old, real life Irish citizen, and she is fluent in Irish.
She's very smart, hardworking, and reliable.
She puts others before herself and is always trying to help people.
Aoife would never want to damage Ireland.
She hopes to bring peace to all the eIrish citizens.

She absolutely loves Ireland.

Please read :

Aoife's Take On Dictatorship - click here


Aoife's Campaign Speech - click here

Thank you for reading.

Go raibh míle maith agat.

Vótail Aoife!
Vote Aoife NiBhriain!

Bíodh lá iontach agat.
Tara C