V2-preparations #3 Military Module

Day 897, 07:57 Published in South Africa South Africa by Calew

This is the third issue of V2-preparations. In store for you today is some advice on how to be of best service to your country on the battlefield and a step-by-step-guide on how to pick your opponents for best efficiency. If you have missed the first two issues of this series, here they are:

V2-preparations #1 - Introduction
V2-preparations #2 - Skill-migration

Organized fighting
Up until V2 the organization of fighting hasn't been very complex; the only thing the soldier had to know was when to hit and in which battle. Introducing a map for the battlefield will mean that more tactics will have to be figured out and organization of the troops will be vital. It's up to you as a soldier to make it as easy as possible for your commanding officers.

A tools, which has been used for a long time by the military and will be even more important in V2 is IRC. Here officers can relay orders to present soldiers, with the number of possibilities in the new battlefield orders may have to change in a matter of seconds. For example if an assault of a key point turns out to be a diversion. In cases like this it's important that the soldiers can be contacted ASAP, so they can react to the change of orders.

Activity will also be an important attribute for soldiers in V2. Right now the closing minutes of a battle is by far the most important ones, any damage done earlier is equal to damage done at a later point of the battle.
This is not the case in V2; there will be certain key points on the battlefield (bridges, mountain passes, hospitals and defense systems), if one of these would be taken it would mean that the enemies will have a big advantage for the rest of the battle.
To prevent this from happening, as many soldiers as possible must be mobilized in a short time. By checking to see if everything is okay, once every (half an)hour, you will make sure that you'll be available in case an assault of one of our key points would be launched.

Of course, IRC and activity won't be of much help if you do not follow orders. Even though it might not always seem like it, your commanding officers always have a plan with what they tell you to do. You might think that what they are telling you is completely insane, but then again, privates are often not fully informed, due to security problems, and making a decision without all information is really hard. Also, if half the army decides to disobey orders, it doesn't matter if the plan was good or bad, it will fail.

Finding an opponent
In V2 your rank will not increase in accurate proportion to how much damage you cause, instead you will receive rank points when you defeat your enemy. The number of rank points you receive is determined by your and your enemy's rank. If your rank is high and his is low you will receive few rank points, if your rank is low and his is high you will receive many rank points. The ultimate goal is to find a high-ranked opponent, who is still easy to defeat. For this purpose I've created a step-by-step-guide. It only applies to when it's you turn, as you can't choose your opponent when it's the enemy's turn.

Step 1 - Find your options. During your turn you will only be able to move a certain amount of steps, and you will only be able to attack an enemy standing next to you. You cannot stand on the same tile as an enemy.
This means that there's only a certain amount of enemies which you can choose to attack. These are the ones you will want to investigate further.

Step 2 - Narrow down to soldiers with a skill which is inferior to yours. Each type of unit has an automatic advantage to another type of unit (read more about this in the previous issue). You should always fight against an inferior type of unit. So those are the ones you will want to investigate further.

Step 3 - Now that you have found your possible targets you must find out which of them is the most efficient target. With that I mean who you get the most rank points from in comparison to the health you will lose.
3a - In my opinion you should only fight against enemies with equal or higher rank than you. You can always find some weakness that gives you an edge in the battle. Remember that you already have one due to being of a superior unit.
3b - You should find out which ones of your possible targets have low health. An enemy with higher skill and rank than you can easily be beaten if his health is 30+ lower than yours.
3c - If you cannot find a target with low wellness you should instead look for an enemy with low skill in comparison to his rank. You will still gain as much rank points but you will lose less health. I can't tell you how high the skill of a certain rank should be as I do not know how the transfer will work, but I can tell you that it's a good sign if your opponent's skill is lower than yours but his rank is higher than yours.

Remember to always find an opponent who you will beat. You gain nothing from losing a battle, no matter how high his rank is.

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Thank you for your time.