US Army Deployed to Finland, Interview with a Spy

Day 685, 14:22 Published in USA USA by bombonato

Troops dug into the snow

It’s really no secret right now, the soldiers of the eUS Army have been deployed to Finland for the last several days in support of our Scandinavian Allies against the Russian menace. The initial plan was just to help make sure Norway was safely occupied by Finland before the Russians could get them, but things don’t always go according to plan.

The Russians have not accepted defeat gracefully and the war here has now become quite serious. Over the weekend, an intense campaign was launched by the American Military to retake the Russian zones of occupation. The Russians have responded with fierce resistance against Finnish attacks. However, Allied commanders have been successful in the deployment of our forces, and we are slowly pushing back the enemy.

In the early evening hours yesterday, the Men and Women of the eUS Army in support of the EDEN Alliance and the Republic of Finland invaded the occupied region of Svalbard and Jan Mayen. This is the last region of Norway to still be occupied by PEACE forces, and they proved intent not to be driven into the Arctic Ocean. Our troops hit the beaches firing and the battle was intense as we drove into the interior, with the Russians fighting every step of the way. Even so, US Armored forces and Army Infantry have proven to be a deciding factor in the battle. Yesterday, the Government of Finland gave its thanks the eUS Army for its service in battle. It may be the start of the Arctic Winter up here, but the cold temperatures are belying the intensity of this fight. Russian troops are dug into bunkers throughout the region and are attempting to hold off our forces, even though we have nominally overrun the island.

The Sun barely spends more then a few hours up before plunging back below the horizon. Endless hours of night fighting are pretty much the norm so close to the North Pole. The clear frozen sky is being punctuated continually by the passing of rockets and the explosion of shells and bombs on the ground. The Russians are dug in and are fighting like hell, but we intend to make their efforts be expended in vain.

In other Army news, we are happy to report that we have a new Deputy Executive Officer, fresh from his service in the United Kingdom. It’s a poorly kept secret that the United States Government employs agents in enemy nations, and the Army Times would like to take a moment to highlight the service of these “Secret Soldiers”. I had an opportunity to sit down with Brigadier General Chris Dakteer

Q: So, you were a deep cover operative for your last assignment?

A: On Monday, I was Lieutenant Chris Dakteer, executive officer of the e-Royal Navy's HMS Enterprise. For the last 2 months, I've been a deep-cover operative for the United States Government, with a mission to penetrate and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the e-Royal Navy in the e-UK.

Q: So, you don’t mind us talking about this a publishing?

A: No I don’t. I got burned a few days ago so they know I was spying on them.

Q: Glad you made it out of the UK Safely. Care to share anything about our British counterparts?

A: Absolutely. They still think of themselves as loyal, but felt that if they joined forces with FORTIS they would be used as a launching board for an attack on PEACE, something they wanted no part of. When EDEN rejected them, they felt they had no choice but to join PEACE.

Q: That’s an un-orthodox assessment.

A: Well, you have walk a mile in their shoes. Up to that point, the eUSA was not a reliable Ally, and with the Hungarians to their east and the French to their south, PEACE membership was a tempting offer. They figured it was better because it was offered on their terms.

Q: What can you tell us about the UK Military?

-- Note that his answer was struck out by the CIA. --

Obviously we cannot go into too much detail other then that folks, sorry! Even so, it is important to note the importance Intelligence plays in warfare. It’s very easy to reward and idolize the visible heroes on the open battlefield, while ignoring those patriots who work in the shadows to insure victory. Oftentimes, these covert operations have as much or more significance then any one battle that all can watch and participate in. To all those Silent Warriors out there, the eUS Army Salutes you!