US Army Deployed to Colombia, Kansas is Free

Day 669, 20:10 Published in USA USA by bombonato

2LT Aeros, Overseas Military Correspondent
The orders came down in the dead of night. The troops of the US Army were handed their moving tickets and ordered to move out; and this war correspondent was one of those soldiers. We assembled on the tarmac at the International Airport in Miami. From there, it was a charter flight to an unnamed South American country. Slightly jet lagged, our troops assembled near the Colombian border where we were met by a greasy fellow named Pablo who agreed to use his “organization” to smuggle our troops into Colombia.

Our guide into Colombia, a true patriot

After that, Army Command set up its Tactical Operations Center (TOC) in Bogotá, alongside the Mobile Infantry. There was quite a bit of good natured inter service rivalry between the staff, but that all ceased when the mission got under way. While we were sneaking into Colombia’s Capital to set up operations, the rest of the Army was smuggled across the Kansas border, dressed in the uniforms of the Hungarian Elite Forces. Needless to say, the Colombia Army had never seen real soldiers before, so they were more then happy to let our boys in, believing we were there to assist.

Of course, elation quickly turned to shock as our troops kicked off the insurrection. As soon as word came down that the revolt was under way, the Command Staff immediately blanketed the airwaves in Colombia with “official” orders to fight for the Resistance. We were pleased to see that this resulted in modest success. At one point, the Colombian government noticed the presence of our operation in the heart of their Capital, and sent troops to capture us. Unfortunately, our Command Staff alone was larger then the entire Colombian Army combined, so they were repulsed with ease.

A columbian soldier surveying the remains of his base

This mission was a great success, and coming on the heels of the USA regaining initiative makes it all the sweeter. The Army Command staff wishes to commend our troops once more for a job well done. We are on the way to winning the war.