Day 3,496, 10:05 Published in Romania Romania by Dj morosanul

Buna ziua ,dragi prieteni!Dupa cum bine stiti ,ziarul meu se orienteaza spre sondaje de opinie,asta spre a afla parerile colegilor erepublikani din care toti putem afla sau invata ceva nou.De aceasta data va rog sa trimiteti tuturor colegilor erepublikani o urare de sfarsit de saptamana! Va rog pe toti doritorii care aveti propriile propuneri referitoare la tema articolului , sa imi trimiteti cel putin un link spre clipurile sau imaginile alese de voi pentru a le publica in cadrul acestui articol,in dreptul numelui vostru. Conform traditiei acestui ziar ,fiecare user care raspunde invitatiei si imi trimite cel putin un link care raspunde temei sondajului va fi premiat simbolic cu 10 cc care il va ajuta la ajustarea energiei 1,castigul si interesul cel mai mare al tuturor fiind de fapt sa ii cunoastem pe ceilalti , si sa ne impartasim decent opiniile.

Cu bune intentii si urari de bine,Dj morosanul.

Hello, dear friends! As you know, my newspaper is focusing on opinion polls, to find the opinions of our erepublikans colleagues from which we can all learn or learn something new. This time, please send all erepublikans colleagues a wish for weekend! I ask all those who have your own suggestions on the topic of the article to send me at least one link to the videos or images you choose to publish in this article, next to your name. According to the tradition of this newspaper, each user who responds to the invitation and sends me at least one link that responds to the topic of the survey will be symbolically awarded 10 cc to help him adjust the energy 1, the gain and interest of all being in fact We know the others, and we share our opinions positively.

With good intentions and good wishes, Dj morosanul. (google translate)