UKPP Official Waffle: I'm still here

Day 2,249, 09:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rob the Bruce

Here we go again

I'm surprised I've managed to get 2 terms really, I was shocked I even got the first one. But I'm here again for a second so thank you all sincerely etc. etc. let's get to work...

Party Titles
Not such a big thing really, you guys aren't asking for any, basically I'm choosing some old people that were helpful last term so I have an excuse to harass them if I'm in a pickle.

Well that's the next thing coming up so if you want to run you'd better push the button. On the last couple of days before the election I'll annoy the specially selected "guys I can harass" team to help me decide who's going in.

The then El prez of the Iran Green Family party in eIran and me got in touch toward the end of last term with the idea that we become "sister parties" with them. The idea was we'd help each other out in some way. I'm up for the idea, and as such both parties are to form a sort of "comittee" with some eIranians (providing the new PP over there hasn't changed his mind of course) so we can work out what it is we'd actually do. If you wish to basically get some Iranian Pen Pals to talk foreign policy with send me a message so I can sort it out.

They have a nice flag I've just noticed

As a final note I plan to run a CP candidate from our party this month, so talks will be had early this time so proper policies and such can be argued about and a sexy candidate can be produced. More on that another time.

Also if somebody could make me a nice Page Breaker image that'd be lovely, my articles look awful.

-Rob the Bruce
Your stuck with me for another month suckers