Time to Say Goodbye

Day 466, 09:04 Published in China USA by capitacommunist101

I will propagate another proposal for the congress. This one, as Benn Dover also recommended, to change the tax on weapons. VAT tax to 10% which allows China to earn a part on weapons which are sold, 5% income tax, and 1% import tax which can't be changed. This proposal will allow China to earn a small sum on weapons and from the salaries of workers in the weapons companies. As the national treasury is at a crisis level, I urge you all to support this proposal.

Then on another note, including my time in Beijing before it was taken over by Iran, I have spent about 3 months in China. Although I regret, urgent business requires me to be elsewhere in the New World. If any of you need help or anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask. I'd be happy to help. I'lI also keep commenting in the newspapers for discussion and try to be back in China when I can. I hope I have served eChina over the course of its history well, and I wish it and all the citizens of eChina the best of luck for the future.