Time to get things done

Day 1,872, 14:00 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

Seriously, vote for me. I have a strong backing, and a strong backbone. I don't plan on being a one-and-done CP.

I plan on being so awesome that I won't have anyone running against me the next 3 terms. I'll be like Steven Bosch, or Van Spijck (Nederlands) or Grimstone (badass)

I'm going to be such an active CP that I'm going to get sh*t done!

Or be impeached trying.

Either way, there will be none of this "Flying under the Radar" bullsh*t for me.

Flying under the radar is for chumps. eSA doesn't need a "Chump" for a President. It needs someone with a backbone. Someone who will stand up for himself, or a fellow South African in need. Someone who will lead the country through whatever it will face, in the process of actively trying to help it become better.

Making yourself known, reaching out to parties and notable citizens is something I pride myself on. I may not always agree, or be able to do what is asked of me, but I will weigh in my input or defend my point. If I don't have an answer I will seek one out.

I haven't missed a day of erepublik since I was unjustly banned, and before that, I had gone over 2 years without missing a single day. I'm one of the MOST active members on the eSA forums, as well as usually having access to IRC.

No, I do not idle on there, but I can usually access it when needed via one of my devices.

I will usually stay up until the Day change (2 AM, my time) and will wish people (in RL South Africa) good mornings on IRC, plus making sure that I don't miss important things when all the RL South Africans are waking up.

If I am sleeping, my Vice President, Rico Suave is awake as he is 6 Hours apart from me in the RL Globe, so he can help. I'm also intending on using the staple advisers of Grimstone, Steven Bosch, and the rest of the Dignity Brigade minds (In case you didn't know, DB has more former presidents than any other eSA group.)

If you have a reason that you do not wish to vote for me, I urge you to point it out. That way I can tell you how I can change this, why you are wrong(winky face) or if you should in-fact vote for your other candidate of choice. I'll be honest.

If you can't think of one, I urge you to vote with Dignity this election.

Vote for Claudio Kilgannon & Rico Suave,

Dignity First!
Dignity Forever!