The Swiss Peace Party Supports Gucio16! (August 2012)

Day 1,719, 00:04 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

Soon Switzerland will welcome a new president. There are two men running for such an important job: Gucio16, and Uros95. Now personally, I think that both candidates have good and bad qualities; however, it is clear to me, that Gucio16 would be the best choice out of the two.

Yes, Uros95 has done quite a lot for Switzerland, such as when he supplied weapons... but anyone can do that. Unfortunately, although he is active, I do not believe that he has the leadership qualities necessary to be at the head of our country. Instead, Gucio16 would serve as a much more favorable president in my opinion.

After inheriting the Swiss National Army from bowen199, Gucio16 has put in a lot of effort in order to ensure a smooth transition. Handing out weapons and communicating with soldiers is essential to keeping an army intact, and this sort of experience will definitely help Gucio16 when he becomes president. There is a reason why Gucio16 was given the opportunity to be Vice President this month... and I see no reason why he shouldn't climb up to the office of Country President. Gucio16 is qualified.

And so, as you take a quick puff from that marijuana of yours, and a nice injection of heroin, I encourage all of you to vote for Gucio16 for the August presidential elections!

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
President of the Swiss Peace Party