The Sport Media

Day 915, 09:34 Published in South Africa Switzerland by Jacques Cousteau

The Sport Media – United States of America

In the U.S, there is a special character to both mainstream media organizations and sport organizations with teams that are featured as frequently in the media marketplace as they are on the field. Media organizations buy and sell sport much as they do any other news or entertainment commodity. The content per se is not what is being sol😛 rather, it is the audience for that content that is being sold to advertisers.
A sports organization directly markets a product to spectators who pay for the privilege to broadcast media organizations, who repackage and embellish the product as the lure for the audiences that advertisers seek to reach. For sports organizations participating in the media world, this holds true in varying degrees, whether sports is the sole focus of the organization (professional sport teams) or secondary focus ( college teams for example).
The print media differ from the broadcast media mainly in that they do not pay sports organizations for the rights to a contest. Instead, the print press and the sports organizations maintain a reciprocal relationship aimed at captivating an audience. The print press sells to advertisers the readers that sports organizations want to become paying customers- both at the gate and in the broadcast media audience. This is strictly a barter deal, with the sports print press gaining an audience and the sports organization-if all goes well- gaining the public goodwill, which leads to an audience.
And of course, as the major media and sports organizations can be considered dominant institutions in American society, the values they espouse can be characterized by a central core of obligatory norms.

So, thats's it for today, and thank's for reading it folks. And finally a joke, of course: