The Real Me

Day 1,548, 18:18 Published in Canada Australia by Septimius Maximinus

I know this may sound stupid with all this anti-imperialist crap but i mainly said that because at the time i thought it was going to work, it still might but i have not looked into it since, well way back then. My real life ideology is far-left like i have been saying but i like other stuff as well.

Relegion - No matter what people say on this game i will use my real life relegion, im a Catholic.

Ideology- Im a Monarch-Communist. I am Far-Left, i just would use the title King and Your highness, because it intrestes me. but for my economic plans it would be strickly communist.

Im pro Lenin of course. I Found some of his work to be intresting, i support his NEP or New Economic Polocy, which followed State Capitalism where the government Controled major industry and people can own their own small shops like a bakery or such.

So there you have it.

Also im Anti-Rolo